Many folks will look back on this past year and wonder what they could have accomplished if they’d only been more decisive and committed. As you look back, what did you let pass you by? It’s never too late to begin again.
Rather than looking back and feeling regret about what could have been, take that time to look forward in eager anticipation of what can now be…
If you were to choose to become the best you can be at something, what would that be? What are you willing to choose and claim right here and now?
Nothing like the present moment to refocus, recommit and start again.
Follow this process to be the best you can be:
1. Assess your strengths. Your greatest potential will involve one of more of your strengths. Most strengths can be applied to any endeavor with a focused approach. The first step is to identify these strengths. What are you better at than nearly everyone you know? What has always been easy for you? What are you best at?
2. Assess your weaknesses. Do the same with your weaknesses. While weaknesses can, and often should, be strengthened, it’s helpful to remove your focus on them when it’s time to get busy. Relying on your weaknesses actually increases the odds of failure! Put your focus on your strengths instead.
3. What do you like? It’s not just about effort and skill. It’s about putting in enough time to be successful. That’s easier to do when you enjoy what you’re doing. You might have great potential to be the world’s greatest golfer, but if you can’t stand the game, you’ll never do it. More importantly, you wouldn’t want to anyway. Think about what you enjoy doing. What activities cause you to lose track of time?
4. What do you want to accomplish? Now that you know your strengths, weaknesses, and likes, you can decide what you want to master to realize your full potential in this area. You can’t do much without making this important decision. Everything going forward depends on this decision. Think carefully. Consider how you will measure mastery. Is it when you can play a specific piece of music on the piano? Become more physically fit than you’ve ever been? Earn $1 million in a year? How will you know you’ve won?
5. Avoid distractions. Distractions are the enemy to progress. We all have things we enjoy doing that accomplish nothing other than providing temporary amusement. Make a list of your favorite distractions. How willing are you to avoid these items? This is a good indicator of your potential for success.
6. Find a mentor. You can’t reach your ultimate potential without a mentor, coach, or advisor. It can shave years off your learning curve and help you to avoid the mistakes you’re destined to make on your own. Seek out the best in your field and make contact. Read books on the topic written by experts.
7. Make a commitment. Mastery requires commitment. It’s the commitment to develop yourself, overcome obstacles, and put in the necessary time. It’s the commitment to find a mentor and to avoid those appealing distractions.
8. Focus on improvement. Seek regular small improvements. Consistent progress is the key to mastery. Mastering anything can take years, or even decades. If perfection is your daily goal, you’ll be disappointed. Weekly progress is an attainable goal that can keep you going.
9. Visualize. Take time to get quiet and go within. Visualize yourself already being the master. Set aside a few minutes several times each day to visualize the future you want to experience. Really feel the positive emotions of having what you want during your visualization practice. When you do, you become a vibrational match to what you want.
Have you ever truly committed yourself to anything? Now can be that time. What interests you? What do you want to know inside and out? Mastering anything can give you a new level of pride and confidence. It takes commitment and dedication to master anything.
However, it is so worth it! What do you want to master over the next year? Begin it now!
Eva Gregory helps spiritual entrepreneurs go from chaos to clarity and from clarity to cash flow. She is a Law of Attraction expert, and author of “The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity” and “Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction”, co-authored with Jack Canfield. Her gift is teaching spiritual entrepreneurs how to integrate Inner Guidance with proven practical business strategies to create successful enlightened businesses from a place of purpose, passion and prosperity. Get your FREE Soul-Centered Conversations That Convert template here and learn how to ramp up your revenue fast with a proven step-by-step template for converting those interested in what you offer to investing in what you offer.