Consistent gratitude is one of the most powerful tools that you can use to propel yourself into a brighter tomorrow. Gratitude isn’t a magical shortcut, though. It doesn’t necessarily create any changes outside of yourself. What it can do, however, is open you up to other opportunities.
As you become aware of the multitude of blessings already present in your life, you may begin to focus on abundance more and more. This can set you on a path to a mental state rich in optimism.
This transformation takes place as you begin to express genuine gratitude to others, and start feeling gratitude for everything in your life that brings you joy.
Become Receptive to Abundance
A great way to increase your awareness of the abundance you already have is to start a gratitude journal. You don’t have to wait for something great to come into your life to appreciate it. Instead, just open your notebook once a day and take a few minutes to write down everything you’re thankful for.
You can feel grateful for anything, big or small. On days when you think you have absolutely nothing to be appreciative for, you can prime the pump by taking stock of the little things. For instance, take note of the air you’re breathing or the food in your pantry.
Once you realize that there are so many things to be grateful for, you’ll find that you can think of more and more blessings in your life.
After several weeks of journaling in this way, you may find that you’re spontaneously running into “good luck.”
Gratitude is a Tool
Gratitude can put you on the path to becoming a stronger person. Use gratitude proactively to arm yourself against negativity and tough times. Focus on what you do have as opposed to what you don’t have.
A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology entitled “Counting Blessings versus Burdens: An Experimental Investigation of Gratitude and
Subjective Well-Being in Daily Life” found that those who maintained a grateful attitude experienced greater physical and psychological well-being.
The study claims that daily gratitude increases self-esteem. It also reduces materialism, envy, and self-centered tendencies. Gratitude can also help you to form more meaningful relationships and generate social capital. People who consistently express gratitude are trusted more than those who don’t.
Still other studies suggest that as you cultivate gratitude, you’re more likely to grow in response to stress, instead of shrink.
By keeping the things you’re thankful for in your mind, you can reduce stress. When you deal with stressors more pro-actively, others will notice your new-found confidence.
All of these effects combine to create new opportunities in your life that you wouldn’t have noticed otherwise. So go ahead: start a gratitude journal, and let the stress melt off. Open yourself up to the possibility of abundance. You’ll be glad you did!
Eva Gregory is a master coach, speaker, author and founder of Leading Edge Coaching & Training, where she helps spiritual entrepreneurs integrate Inner Guidance with proven practical business strategies for growing a list of loyal followers who become raving fans, so that they quickly and consistently attract more of their ideal clients, without compromising their Spirit and values. Join her <a href=””>Successful Spiritual Entrepreneur Facebook community here </a>where you’ll receive plenty of tools, resources and trainings on how to grow a successful enlightened business that lights up your Soul!