You’ve got to stop HOPING you’ll succeed! I’m serious! When you think of hope vs commitment – which is stronger?
Do your desires for your business or life come from commitment or hope?
Which of these statements feel more powerful?
A) “I hope I’ll succeed.”
B) “I am committed to succeeding!”
One of those statements is the bedrock of the success to come, the other is not.
If you look at any successful person, you’ll discover the most powerful secret that all highly successful spiritual entrepreneurs have in their corner is their unwavering commitment.
There’s a spirit of uncompromising commitment. And you have this power within you already. You don’t need to seek it elsewhere. When you learn how to shift your mindset, that commitment is clear. It’s unwavering.
You’ve had experiences of it in your life before. Think back to a time when you knew, no matter what, you were going to see something through to the end. You may not have known how, you just KNEW it would happen.
It was far more than just a wish or hope.
You were COMMITTED to the core of your being and because of that you were able to give yourself over to it completely.
When you choose, when you DECIDE to COMMIT to something at this level, your Guidance, the Universe, whatever name you want to give it moves heaven and earth to support that reality.
And when that’s where you stand…
There is no other outcome possible.
I’ve worked with hundreds of spiritual entrepreneurs and it’s easy for me to see who’s most likely to succeed and who will continue to struggle, trapped on a roller coaster of false starts and failed attempts…
And it always comes down to who’s more committed. Whose desire is so strong that they’ll not let anything stop them. It might take time, but they don’t take no for an answer.
That kind of commitment will always overcome lack of time and money, or lack of ideas to reach that success.
Because when you are truly committed you will find all those things somehow, some way.
But without that unwavering commitment – that unshakeable commitment – none of those things are possible, because your limiting mindset will block you – even when you’re being guided to exactly what you need right now to support your success!
So what is getting in the way of that?
There are three monsters you must slay if you want to experience the success that is within your ability to experience.
MONSTER #1: Not trusting your own Inner Guidance – your True Source.
It is that Source that has been there all along, including connecting in a deeper way to your passion.
What might astonish you is that the parts of yourself that you so want to express, feel and lead from are often just a hair’s breadth away.
And when you learn to listen to your Guidance, you’ll feel like finally the real you is released, like you’ve been unlocked, unleashed and unfettered.
Every bit of you that comes through is from your most profound, authentic, connected True Self, and it feels like coming home.
No pretending, no pretense, no inauthenticity.
Only the truth of your emerging Self, in your emerging moment.
MONSTER #2: Questioning your own greatness.
You must stop questioning your own greatness. You are unique unto all the Universe.
Your genius is unique to you and it is within you. You have massive value to give and offer the world.
I love this quote: “If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission!”
Does that mean you stop learning and growing and developing your skills and talents? Absolutely not.
You have to continually commit to refining your gifts, skills and talents, to walk your talk and be the walking talking example to others as to what’s possible.
Get the support you need. Even with my own Guidance, I continue to have mentors who support me. With guidance, I know who is a fit for me!
MONSTER #3: Not immersing yourself completely.
You have to choose to go all in – even if you don’t have complete information.
There’s this myth that highly successful spiritual entrepreneurs and change agents of the world have everything figured out before they started. Nothing could be further from the truth.
In fact, only a few steps are usually revealed at a time. Their vision wasn’t laid out in advance. It doesn’t happen that way.
I’ve been in business for nineteen years now and it has all unfolded one step at a time.
Never in a million years could I have predicted this is what I’d be doing in my business when I first started. It has continued to change and evolve over time.
And even this iteration of my business isn’t final. It will continue to evolve and change as I evolve and change.
But I’m always guided to the clarity and support I need. And I’m completely committed to You have to choose to go all in – even if you don’t have complete information.
There’s this myth that highly successful spiritual entrepreneurs and change agents of the world have everything figured out before they started. Nothing could be further from the truth.
But I’m always guided to the clarity and support I need. And I’m completely committed to it, even though I may not be 100% sure where I’m going next.
It’s like driving at night with your headlights on. You may have a destination in mind, but you only ever see the next 200 yards in front of you. But you keep going.
So I invite you to make a commitment to yourself right now. That you commit completely to the success you desire and deserve…even if you don’t know 100% what it looks like right now.
The key is COMMITMENT, which at its core, is a declaration that YOU believe in YOU!
Eva Gregory helps spiritual entrepreneurs go from chaos to clarity and from clarity to cash flow. She is a Law of Attraction expert, and author of “The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity” and “Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction”, co-authored with Jack Canfield. Her gift is teaching spiritual entrepreneurs how to integrate Inner Guidance with proven practical business strategies to create successful enlightened businesses from a place of purpose, passion and prosperity. Get your FREE Soul-Centered Conversations That Convert template here and learn how to ramp up your revenue fast with a proven step-by-step template for converting those interested in what you offer to investing in what you offer.