You probably visited the library as a child to read books and look up facts for your homework. Today, you might take your own children there to check out free movies and enjoy story telling hours.
However much libraries have expanded their services over the years, some things remain the same. Libraries are still centers for increasing your learning and enriching your mind. Given that meditation often has a similar purpose, see how you can gain these benefits of libraries without actually going there.
Finding a Quiet Place
You can meditate almost anywhere as long as you can quiet your mind. While it’s helpful to minimize background sounds, the important thing is how you decide to react to them. When you accept what is going on in your head and the space around you, a noisy subway car can be as peaceful as a no-talking room at the library.
Try these techniques to help quiet your mind:
1. Set up a meditation space. While you’re making the best of any conditions you find, you can still benefit from dedicating an area in your home specifically for meditation. It could be a separate room or just a spot on the rug next to your bed.
2. Observe your breath. Bring your focus inwards by paying attention to your breath. Follow its natural rhythm. Start breathing deeper and slower.
3. Detach from your thoughts. Notice what is on your mind without dwelling on it. Let go of judgments. Remember that your thoughts are just thoughts, and may sometimes be unrealistic.
4. Focus on your feelings. Connect with your emotions. Visualize yourself feeling relaxed and happy.
Appreciating What is Priceless
One of the most appealing things about libraries is the free stuff. Unless you run up overdue fines, you can enjoy classic novels, blockbuster movies, community events, and more at no charge. How often does that happen in the rest of your life? What are some other generous gifts you receive without making any payments in return?
Consider these ways to contemplate and appreciate priceless gifts:
1. Honor your body. Your body may be the first gift you receive. Think about what it does for you. Being fit and healthy can enable you to work in your chosen field, raise a family, and enjoy other meaningful activities.
2. Thank others. Just like your parents gave you your body, there are many forms of generosity that have shaped your life. How about the grade school teachers who taught you how to read or a stranger on the bus who brightens your day by complimenting your watch?
3. Marvel at nature. Some presents occur naturally. Listen to rain falling or breathe in the scent of fresh mint.
Increasing Your Knowledge
Libraries give you access to books, magazines, and other media with information on subjects ranging from vegetable gardening to computer programming. Similarly, meditation opens your eyes so you can expand your knowledge of yourself, and apply those important lessons to your daily life.
What are some things you discover when you meditate?
1. Sort out your feelings. It’s common to try to run away from difficult or conflicting emotions. Meditation offers an opportunity to reflect on how you wound up where you are today, and gain insights into your experiences.
2. Strengthen your concentration. Multitasking can weaken your attention span. As your concentration grows from your meditation practice, so will your self-knowledge and awareness.
3. Create new habits. Meditation also has its practical side. End each session by committing yourself to specific actions that will help you achieve your goals.
You don’t need a card to meditate, and a regular meditation practice can help keep your mind in top shape. Devote time to thinking, learning, and growing. You’ll enjoy the results!
Eva Gregory helps spiritual entrepreneurs go from chaos to clarity and from clarity to cash flow. She is a Law of Attraction expert, and author of “The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity” and “Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction”, co-authored with Jack Canfield. Her gift is teaching spiritual entrepreneurs how to integrate Inner Guidance with proven practical business strategies to create successful enlightened businesses from a place of purpose, passion and prosperity. Get your FREE Soul-Centered Conversations That Convert template here and learn how to ramp up your revenue fast with a proven step-by-step template for converting those interested in what you offer to investing in what you offer.