There are many ways to improve your money mindset. Doing so will ensure that your financial situation is forever improving and developing a wealth mindset will ensure that you build your wealth.
To help maintain your new wealth mindset, each week, re-examine your beliefs, attitudes, and actions regarding your money situations and repeat this process for any slips back to your old, ineffective mindset.
Improving your mindset is the first step to increasing your wealth. You mindset ultimately determines the opportunities you will recognize and create, as well as determining your ability to capitalize upon them. Get started today and watch your wealth soar.
How can you develop such a mindset? Follow this strategy:
Examine your current mindset.
How do you view money and wealth? Do you think and feel only positive things when you think about wealth?
Ask yourself what needs to change about your beliefs and attitudes if you’re going to give yourself the opportunity to become wealthy.
Develop a new set of beliefs.
What new beliefs would you need to become wealthy? Make a list. Here are a few ideas:
“The Universe is abundant.”
“The Universe wants me to prosper.”
“All prosperity begins with belief.”
“I am a magnet for money.”
“I welcome unlimited prosperity in my life.”
Mentally rehearse.
One good way to make your new beliefs habitual is through daily visualization. Every morning while lying in bed, imagine approaching the world with these new beliefs.
Repeat at night before you fall asleep.
Change your history.
It can be helpful to revisit the financial mistakes you’ve made and the opportunities you’ve missed, but this time, change your history to see yourself in the same situations acting with your new beliefs. What would you have changed about your approach and your thought process?
Evaluate yourself.
At the end of the day, look at your thoughts and behavior for the day. What would you have done differently if you were in your ‘wealth mindset’ mode? What needs to change? Just as importantly what did you do well? Congratulate yourself when you’ve made progress!
Eva Gregory helps spiritual entrepreneurs go from chaos to clarity and from clarity to cash flow. She is a Law of Attraction expert, and author of “The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity” and “Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction”, co-authored with Jack Canfield. Her gift is teaching spiritual entrepreneurs how to integrate Inner Guidance with proven practical business strategies to create successful enlightened businesses from a place of purpose, passion and prosperity. Get your FREE Soul-Centered Conversations That Convert template here and learn how to ramp up your revenue fast with a proven step-by-step template for converting those interested in what you offer to investing in what you offer.