Expressing gratitude can be difficult for some people. Often times, gratitude is mixed in with other feelings like jealousy, envy, embarrassment, or insecurity. Why?
Because it can be humbling to admit that we need help from others.
It is important to realize that expressing gratitude does not mean you are weaker or inferior in any way. Gratitude simply expresses your appreciation and shows the respect you have for others.
By focusing on an attitude of gratitude, you’ll find that it’s a lot easier to express how you feel. Plus, people will be far more willing to help someone who respects and appreciates them.
Here are Five Ways to Express Gratitude:
1. Keep it simple. Instead of thinking about how best to express your thanks, just say it. Tell the person “Thank you” or “I appreciate it” and let that be the end of it.
Gratitude is something that can be easily expressed just as long as it’s genuine. Expressing gratitude is as important as anything else in your relationships because it builds trust and respect.
2. Write a letter. Sometimes the best thing we can do is use the power of the written word to express our thanks. Get a thank you card or a piece of stationary and write a letter. It’s one of the most personal ways of expressing gratitude nowadays, especially since few people take the time to write by hand. Again, you can keep it simple by letting the person know that you appreciate them. You can hand deliver the letter or drop it in the mail so it can be a nice surprise in between the stack of junk mail and bills.
3. Give a gift. When someone does something nice for you, a nice way to express your appreciation is to give a small “thank you” present. This doesn’t have to be anything costly or extravagant, just something that shows that you appreciate what they have done for you. For instance, you might give a coffee lover a gift certificate to their favorite coffee shop, or buy a chocolate lover a gourmet piece of chocolate. It’s a simple gesture that can go a long way.
4. Return the favor. If someone has done something nice for you, a simple way to show your appreciation is to return the favor by giving your time. For instance, if someone has helped you during a time of need, tell them that you want to take them to lunch, dinner, or dessert for being such an instrumental person in your life. This lets them know you appreciate them and it also gives you a chance to chat and grow closer.
5. Tell others. In the presence of the person or people you wish to thank, share your gratitude with others. Public forms of gratitude are important because it shows just how much you appreciate and care for others. This will also help you let go of any insecurities, jealousy, or anger because you are putting others first.
Gratitude is an important part of all relationships, so today, let go of your fears and simply say “Thanks!” to all those around you!
Eva Gregory is a master coach, speaker, author and founder of Leading Edge Coaching & Training, where she helps spiritual entrepreneurs integrate Inner Guidance with proven practical business strategies for growing a list of loyal followers who become raving fans, so that they quickly and consistently attract more of their ideal clients, without compromising their Spirit and values. Join her <a href=””>Successful Spiritual Entrepreneur Facebook community here </a>where you’ll receive plenty of tools, resources and trainings on how to grow a successful enlightened business that lights up your Soul!