According to the Law of Attraction, we’re always transmitting positive or negative energy.
Others pick up on this and respond likewise.
When you attract like-minded positive people, together you can focus on obtaining your desires.
Positive people will encourage and support you.
On the other hand, negative people will tell you that you can’t achieve your goals, and that they’re too hard or unreachable.
If you’re continually bombarded with negative phrases in your thinking, such as “I just can’t make ends meet,” “There’s never enough,” or “I just can’t seem to get ahead,” then you’re attracting more negativity into your life.
- The Universe will always respond to your song, so make your song harmonious with your desires, not your frustrations!
If you find yourself focusing on your small paycheck, physical ailments or unfulfilling relationships, it’s time to make a change.
Maybe your parents were role models of criticism instead of encouragement, or maybe you’ve always surrounded yourself with negative friends.
Whatever the reason, it’s time to break this cycle of negativity.
Consider raising your standard of expectation. Find people to associate with who emit positive energy.
When seeking other positive people, think of people you admire and identify their traits you especially enjoy.
You’ll be generally attracted to people who have a similar sense of humor or who hold the same set of values.
Here are some ways to attract positive people and create more positive energy in your life:
- Look for positive qualities in other people.
It’s far easier to see someone’s faults before seeing their goodness. Challenge yourself to look only for a person’s good qualities.
- Be aware of your own finest qualities and project these qualities to the world.
This contributes to your self-awareness and increases your self-esteem.
- Exercise compassion toward everyone, including yourself.
Negative energy obsesses about unattainable goals.
However, positive energy allows us to realize when we’re doing the best we can.
- Value others’ opinions.
Positive energy is open-minded.
Listen to all points of view and do your best to understand them, regardless of how different from your own they are.
Trying to change someone’s mind is usually futile, so, even if you’re right, save your energy, understand their opinion, and move on.
- Refrain from judging.
Give others the benefit of the doubt.
Negative energy is critical in judging others and loves finding fault.
Judging produces negative energy and attracts more of the same back to you.
- Be honest.
Express your true self in thoughts, words, and actions.
- Don’t be afraid to admit to having occasional negative thoughts and emotions.
We’re all human, and negative thoughts are a part of human nature.
The key is not to dwell on them.
- Celebrate the success and happiness of others.
Negative energy is jealous, but positive people are thrilled when others succeed.
Use someone else’s success as a motivator to make you a better person.
- Balance fulfillment and serving others.
If you spend your life trying to please others, you may find yourself ignoring your own needs.
Positive energy is balanced.
- Persevere in spite of fear or defeat.
We all experience defeat and disappointment!
Rather than bemoaning a setback, use it as a chance to learn something new and prepare for your next challenge.
- Follow your dreams and desires.
Embrace your joy every step of the way as you achieve your goals.
People with positive energy approach the world with an open heart and a sense of humor.
They refuse to be colored by cynicism and bitterness.
They strive to see the best in the world around them, revel in the success of others, and diligently pursue their own goals.
Becoming a positive person today will help you attract more positive people into your life tomorrow.
The more positive people that surround you, the more you’ll feel joy, contentment, and fulfillment in your own life!
About Eva
Transformation catalyst and business mentor, Eva Gregory helps established thought leaders and spiritual entrepreneurs worldwide become game changers in their fields by integrating Inner Guidance with proven strategies that are working today to scale beyond 6 figures and achieve breakthroughs in their businesses.
She is an avid supporter of the Milo Foundation, an alternative for homeless pets, the Unstoppable Foundation to bring sustainable education to children and communities in developing countries, and Kiva to support entrepreneurs in under-served communities around the world.
Join her Successful Spiritual Entrepreneur Facebook community here where you’ll receive plenty of tools, resources and training on how to grow a successful enlightened business that lights up your Soul!