As a Spiritual Entrepreneur, there are several spiritually-aligned ways you can reach your Divine Market. And as you continue to nurture your relationship with all of those in your Divine Market, you also want to make sure you are in conversation with the folks who are most interested in what you have to offer at the time they express interest.
My favorite method is the teleseminar or webinar.
It’s a powerful way for you to attract folks…
- interested in the topic of your teleseminar
- generously give value to your participants over the duration of the call
- allowing your participants to get a feel for you as a person and get to know you
- while you share your knowledge and expertise in a way that feels in alignment with your Spirit and values
You also want to find out the level of interest of your folks in what you have to offer and rank them according to their interest. From there you will know who to follow up with based on that level of interest. Then you need to be able to clearly communicate the value of what you offer in a way that can be fully received. For that you need a system.
If you’re a heart-centered coach, healer or spiritual entrepreneur who’s been struggling to find a way to successfully market and share your programs, products and services that feels authentic, honest for you, I’d like to invite you to my upcoming Conversations That Covert webinar where I can show you a proven system for sharing your mission and message that is fully aligned with your Spirit and your values.
Date: Monday, June 3, 2013
Time: 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern
Register here at
On that webinar, I will be showing you how to double, triple and even quadruple your income with heart-centered conversations that convert into high-paying ideal clients who see the value of what you offer and are eager to pay you what you are worth – in a way that feels authentic, honest and fun for you!
In my next article, I will be sharing my 5-Step Attraction In Action system for attracting and nurturing your relationship with your Divine Market, so stay tuned for that.
In the meantime, do be sure to register for my Conversations That Convert webinar specifically geared towards Spiritual Entrepreneurs, coaches and healers.
Attracting your Ideal Client is the first step.
Learning how to have heart-centered, spiritually-aligned conversations with those who are ready to work with you is the next critical step for your ultimate success. I’ll be covering this topic in my upcoming webinar on Monday, June 3rd.
By the way… please feel free to share information about my upcoming webinar on June 3 with others you think would benefit, but be sure to reserve your seat first. Register here: Conversations That Convert.
In my next article I’ll cover my 5-Step Attraction In Action System for attracting and nurturing your relationship with your Divine Market, so stay tuned.