Communication…with your Divine Market is a simple, spirit-enriched conversation that feels authentic, honest and fun for you.

(Pssst… There Is A “HOLY COW” or maybe “HOLY TURKEY” Black Friday Offer At The End Of This Email)

When you do, you’ll find yourself creating a consistent stream of quality clients!

And even have a waiting list of clients while making phenomenal money in the process.

So you want to make sure that the conversations you hold are not only heart-centered…

But offer value in a way that has those you are speaking to eager to work with you because of the value they see!

And when they do, you will create regular consistent income in your business!

The most important thing is that you have a plan for creating clients on a regular consistent basis.

So anytime you want, you can create more money in your business while making a difference in the lives of others.

How does it get any better than that?

Just starting out in your business?

Having spirit-enriched conversations is one of the simplest and easiest ways of growing your client base right away.

Heck, you can even do them successfully without a website or a big list!

Planning a teleseminar series or group program – a great way to leverage your time, by the way –

…Rather than trying to enroll folks through email or a preview call, invite them to have a private 1-on-1 call with you.

Just by making this one simple change –

Offering these private 1-on-1 conversations with you rather than selling –

You will catapult your sign-ups!

This core strategy can be used in generating income in just about every revenue stream in your business…

And the beauty of this is that it can be used to ensure regular, consistent income, month in and month out!

I teach you how to double, triple and even quadruple your income with heart-centered conversations aligned with your Spirit that consistently convert into high-paying clients in my Spirit-Enriched Breakthrough Session Secrets program. ($1,997 Value).

And this week ONLY, I’m offering as a Holiday Super Special for ONLY $325.

HOLY COW – Read That Last Part Again…

My $1997 Client Attraction Program For Just $325? YES!

Get all the juicy details and join now.

If you’re serious about learning how to hold conversations that convert into high-paying clients who see the value of what you offer and are eager to pay you what you are worth, be sure to get your copy NOW.


Remember, success will never come to you until you make a commitment to action. Hold a massive vision for yourself and get ready to expand it in 2014!

To your success,
Eva Gregory