Law of Attraction CoachRecently, and even still, there has been a lot in the news about The Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction simply states that “Like attracts like”. In other words, if your believe is that life is hard and that you cannot make it no matter how hard you try ( as is rooted up in most people) then that is what it will be for you.

Not only that, you will also only draw the kind of people who are like minded with you people who’s thinking are that limited as well in order to compliment yours and make you affirm to yourself that the believe you hold in your mind is true. In this case you will continue creating your reality in negativity.

But thank God every human being has the power to decide what believes are best for the kind of life he/she intends to live.

If we are honest with ourselves, no one will like to live an entire life struggling for a living. Life is just too short for that. Every human being craves at least some happiness in their lives. Be it success in whatever area of life or some fulfillment of some sort Family, career and finance, friendships, relationships, health, and the count goes on. In order to attract all these, we need to act in accordance with what we really want to achieve.

In a quest to attract success in ones career it will not just mean having a good resume. Most businesses these days search for people who can attract business and positively impact their bottom line and for that matter, the need for knowledge in business etiquette has become a very important requirement in the qualifications most sort after by employers and businesses.

REAL opportunity seekers and career oriented professional and business people know that to attract success you need to act and walk the part. There is no need to hope for success and advancement in career if as a person, your actions only repels your intentions.

A serious career oriented professional does know that he or she needs to always dress the next career stage at the present position to indicate to the bosses and the business world that he or she is ever ready to move on to the next higher position.

Dressing up the next level is only signaling to your subconscious mind to start preparing you for your next promotion. Adding up to that could be that your table manners among executives depict a very fine person who can impress clients with all confidence at business meetings and luncheons. It may not necessarily mean a promotion at your current workplace, it could be a better company compared to where you are now.

If you are doing business for yourself as well, you need to give out the image to your prospective clients and partners that you are more than capable to handle their interests, regardless of what business you are in.

In this way you communicate not only your ability to handle their business very well, but also that you can be trusted. That will make your prospects to feel more comfortable working or recommending work to you, plus you attract, eventually quality clients and partners who compliment your image.

Some people are of the notion that as long as you have an excellent product then you can win. It is unfortunately not the case today. Your excellent product must also be accompanied by a sparkling image. This is a sure way to convince a client to buy from you or employ your service.

The business world today is a jungle out there so you need every opportunity to make your service or product the only solution to your clients and prospects. The frequent use of business and social etiquette in this case can assure your attraction of the success you desire. Good etiquette plays an integral role in every business encounter, just make it second nature and you are a winner!

“Eva Kathryne Gregory is a master coach, Law of Attraction expert, speaker and author. As host of her own radio shows, Eva has interviewed some of the most influential thought leaders today. She has had the honor of sharing the virtual stage as a featured speaker with many experts such as Mark Victor Hansen, Cynthia Kersey, John Assaraf, and Jack Canfield among others. Her latest book, Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction, co-authored with Jack Canfield, can be found in bookstores everywhere. Since 1999, Eva has followed inner guidance along with her Spirit-Enriched Business Systemâ„¢ to create a multiple 6-figure business. Her passion is teaching spiritual entrepreneurs how to tap into their own inner guidance and merge it with the practical steps to create healthy, six-figure businesses from a place of purpose, passion and prosperity. Get your FREE REPORT: “Massive Success For Spiritual Entrepreneurs” here. Learn more about how Eva can help you at