Being a spiritual entrepreneur means taking risks nearly every day.
Some are calculated, while others are an act of pure faith. Either way, you’re being called forward to trust in yourself.
And one of the biggest ways you may be challenged with trust is in how you make financial decisions.
For example, heart-centered entrepreneurs often use the excuse of “I don’t have the money” to avoid feeling at risk of making a mistake.
While it might appear to be a fact in the moment, under the radar, it’s an excuse that’s covering up a deeper mindset issue around trusting your value.
Here are 3 key ways that not trusting yourself can sneakily show up in your business:
Trust Issue #1 – Not investing in your business with the TOOLS you need to grow
Let’s face it, most of us start our businesses on a shoestring — I know I did! I remember buying those print-yourself business cards with the perforated edges (anyone else remember those?!)
If you’re serious about being a business owner — not just a hobbyist — then you’re going to need to invest in your business to get it off the ground or to grow what you already have into something that will truly give you the income you need to thrive.
For example, adding a merchant account, a professional online shopping cart system, or getting your website professionally designed are all investments critical to the success of your business.
Here’s the kicker: Reluctance to invest in tools for expansion may be reflecting your trust in your ability to handle a sudden burst of growth in your business, or a fear that the business you’re building won’t work out.
Trust Issue #2 – Not Investing in yourself with MENTORING
Entrepreneurs are voracious learners. And we love to share new ideas, systems, and tools. However, when money feels tight, often the first thing to go is investing in mentoring.
Here’s the kicker: Holding back from joining a mentoring program that will help you move forward is often a self-worth issue – “I’m not good enough or worthy enough to spend money on”. Or it can be an issue of not trusting yourself to implement what you’re learning.
Whatever the reason, challenging yourself to get professional mentoring from a coach who’s walked the path you’re now on will be the very thing you need to create a quantum leap forward in your business!
Trust Issue #3 – Not Investing in a SUPPORT team
Yes, you are going to be wearing many hats, but wearing all of them year after year will exhaust you pretty quickly – and make it very difficult to grow your business. You want your focus to be on communicating with potential clients or delivering services to current clients.
Here’s the kicker: Reluctance to hire support can mean a lack of trust in others to do what you think you know how to do best.
Or it can mean you’re creating a false expectation for yourself that you have to know how to do everything in your business before you can hand it off to someone else. Either way, these are misdirected issues of control that will work against you, and ultimately end up limiting the amount of money you make in your business.
The quicker you identify and get coaching on money trust issues like these, the quicker you’ll feel relief…and excitement as you see the results showing up for you in your business!
Eva Gregory is a mentor to spiritual entrepreneurs, coaches and holistic practitioners, Law of Attraction expert, speaker and author. Her passion is teaching spiritual entrepreneurs how to tap into their own inner guidance and merge it with the practical steps to create healthy sustainable businesses from a place of purpose, passion and prosperity. Get your FREE REPORT: “Massive Success For Spiritual Entrepreneurs” here. Learn more about how Eva can help you at