As we head into the month of May, (Really??? It’s May already?) Let’s take some time to review the goals that were set at the beginning of the year.

Did you break your goals down into smaller more manageable pieces? Did you plan your goals to be incorporated into your daily/weekly/monthly schedule?

Close your eyes and picture this…You have five major things to accomplish in your day and you get them done.

You manage to complete a telephone call or an e-mail without being interrupted. Does this sound like a slice of heaven to you, or is it a wish, nothing more than a mere tease?

Multi-tasking is the way of the new millennium, or so we hear, but is it the best choice? With all of the talk about heart disease being on the rise in both women and men, daily stress-related illnesses, and the need to relax, doesn’t it make you question the benefits of multi-tasking?

Today, the thought of anyone being able to have a relatively quiet, peaceful, or singularly tasked existence seems a bit far-fetched, especially when children are involved or a business is being pursued.

One of the primary culprits seems to be that society is stretched far too thin, and we have way too much to accomplish in extremely short periods of time.

So there is an immediate need for us to let go of the idea of multi-tasking, and embrace the concept of single-tasking again.

Can you accomplish more when the mind is focused, or when the mind has to keep “remembering” where it last left off? Think of when you are reading a book or writing an email and are constantly interrupted. Does it take twice as long?

Well, the same thing happens with goals too. While your ToDo list may have ten items on it, attempting to accomplish a bit of each goal each month may result in a longer duration.

Having laser sharp focus on one or two goals will help you reach your target quicker and will allow you more time to focus on the subsequent ones.

For example, think of the busy mom who rushes home from work in the evening. There is dinner to make, dishes to wash, bath time, and bed time stories, added to laundry, ironing, and miscellaneous housework, or more. (Makes you tired just reading it, doesn’t it?)

If she tries to multi-task too much, something will inevitably slip through the crack, resulting in a substantially longer duration until the burned dinner is substituted, the cold bath is re-drawn, or the burned shirt is replaced with another more wrinkled one.

If mom had just focused on completing the tasks at hand instead of five tasks simultaneously, she would have been that much closer to reaching her ultimate goal.

Despite the current trends and the magazine articles, forget about multi-tasking and try to recapture the lost art of focusing on a task, goal, or skill.

There is something wonderful that happens when you take time to learn, practice, or concentrate on a specific task. One of the most rewarding results occurs when the task is actually completed.

With busy lives, full schedules, and multiple tasks, doesn’t completing something sound positively restful? It should.

Too much is put off until the next day, carried over into the next month, and in many cases often abandoned.

I challenge you to give focus a try. Select one item from your goal list and focus on completing it for the coming month.

Remember, just one!

If you’ve been juggling multiple goal-related tasks up to now, use the coming month as a gauge for single versus multi-task related success.

I think you’ll be quite impressed with the outcome!

Eva Gregory is a Law of Attraction expert, speaker author and mentor to spiritual entrepreneurs – coaches, healers and holistic practitioners. Her passion is helping spiritual entrepreneurs go from chaos to clarity, and from clarity to cash flow by learning how to tap into their own inner guidance and merge it with proven practical business strategies to create enlightened businesses of purpose, passion and prosperity. She is author of “The Feel Good Guide to Prosperity” and “Life Lessons For Mastering the Law of Attraction” co-authored with Jack Canfield. Get your FREE REPORT, “Massive Success For Spiritual Entrepreneurs” here. Learn more about how Eva can help you at