The Law of Attraction not only saved my life, it became my life. I thought I knew all the answers, and was on the fast track to a successful and prosperous life. Boy was I wrong. My life partner, Robin, and I ran a software company in California and it was leaking money like the proverbial sieve. For over five years, we had been searching for backing to help us launch the fantastic software program that we had patented—but to no avail. We were laying off staff, not paying ourselves in order to retain the crew we had and morale was not just low, but non-existent. We had creditors after us personally, as well as after the business and the stress level was incredibly high.
During what seemed to by our darkest hour, I had a major a-ha moment. I had been studying metaphysics for years, as I found it extremely compelling, but I only understood it intellectually. I really did not understand how to apply it to my life until I stumbled upon a universal principle called the Law of Attraction through the Abraham-Hicks website ( It was as though the light bulb came on, the fireworks went off, and I finally really got it!
Basically, the Law of Attraction says whatever you are focused on you will get more of – whether wanted or not. But what I realized is that it is the emotion – the emotional charge you have on whatever you’re focused on, that is magnetizing to you more of the same. This was the missing component from my life.
Imagine where my focus had set up residence. “We don’t have enough funds.” We can’t make the payroll.” “We will lose the business.” I’d been focusing on exactly what I did not want more of in my life! The thoughts I was repeating to myself, that focus on the lack of what I wanted was the engine, but the highly charged negative emotion I was carrying was the fuel that was magnetizing even more of what I did not want into my existence. Moreover, I had taken it to the ultimate level, as everyone within the company was simply amping up that vibration to gargantuan proportions.
Once I grasped the principle, I felt I had nothing to lose by introducing the concept to the rest of the company. In order to change the vibe of the company by shifting our emotions, as a team, we created a company-wide game with a huge spreadsheet called the Prosperity Account, based on The Prosperity Game, a process I had learned about through Abraham-Hicks.
The game went like this. On Day 1, $10,000 was deposited into the account and everyone in the company was asked to post to the spreadsheet how the funds would be spent. Each day the account was increased by an additional $1,000. So $11,000 was deposited on Day Two, $12,000 on Day Three, etc. After a bit, I was surprised to see how generous people were being. Since there was no fear of the funds dwindling, department members were making purchases for other departments besides their own. The money in our imaginary Prosperity Account was flowing and we were actually having some fun, for the first time in a long while. The goal of the game was to get our focus on something that felt better than where it had been for a very long time.
The experiment worked. Overall, the company energy shifted and many of us began to look forward to coming to work again. The success of the Law of Attraction actively working through the Prosperity Account was only the beginning for me.
What I have come to know is that the Universe does not know if what we are focused on is real or imaginary. It only notices the essence of where we are focusing our energy and thoughts, and assumes it is real. Therefore, as far as the Universe was concerned, prosperity was our reality. The Prosperity Account exercise showed me that no matter what I spent my money on in the account that day, there would always be more in the account tomorrow. So, I was able to stop thinking of lack and living in lack, as there was always an abundance of monetary flow. The exercise taught me to stretch my wealth mentality, a valuable lesson that must be learned in order to allow prosperity to follow.
And follow it, I did. Within nine months of launching the Prosperity Account exercise, we were approached to sell the company, lock, stock, and barrel. We went from living from no paycheck to no paycheck (as Robin and I were not always collecting one for ourselves), to successfully selling the business for a hefty sum of money. Why? Because we were in a good place mentally and were able to see the opportunity for what it was and act on it!
Learning about the Law of Attraction and actually experiencing how it works was one of the most transformational turning points in my life. I learned that the difference between feeling hopeful and feeling fearful is the difference between success and failure. Fearfulness was not a good feeling, so through the Prosperity Account, I found a way to grab onto thoughts that made me feel better which made the key monumental shift. If one has to choose between feeling bad and feeling good, what is the logical choice? Seems simple. Simple – not necessarily easy – depending on your belief systems and where you have been focused over time. Yet, it can be that simple—I just had to let go of my old way of doing things and embrace a new way.
Has there been a situation in your own life you were able to turn around using the Law of Attraction? Share you story in the comments section below!
“Eva Kathryne Gregory is a master coach, Law of Attraction expert, speaker and author. As host of her own radio shows, Eva has interviewed some of the most influential thought leaders today. She has had the honor of sharing the virtual stage as a featured speaker with many experts such as Mark Victor Hansen, Cynthia Kersey, John Assaraf, and Jack Canfield among others. Her latest book, Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction, co-authored with Jack Canfield, can be found in bookstores everywhere. Since 1999, Eva has followed inner guidance along with her Spirit-Enriched Business System™ to create a multiple 6-figure business. Her passion is teaching spiritual entrepreneurs how to tap into their own inner guidance and merge it with the practical steps to create healthy, six-figure businesses from a place of purpose, passion and prosperity. Get your FREE REPORT: “Massive Success For Spiritual Entrepreneurs” here. Learn more about how Eva can help you at