<I want to talk to you today about the value you offer and the importance of communicating your value to your prospective clients!
This is so important and something I teach you in my upcoming Spirit-Enriched Breakthrough Session Secrets program. Check it out here and catch the replay of a recent webinar on the same page: Spirit-Enriched Breakthrough Session Secrets. Come join us if you’re serious about doubling, tripling or even quadrupling your income this year.
Spiritual entrepreneurs, coaches and healers offer enormous value, and yet many grapple with clearly communicating that value to their prospects. So all the action you may be taking is still not netting you the business you want – and deserve! If people don’t understand your value, it’s because, although you may focused on the value, you are not clearly communicating that value from the highest possible intent.
On the other hand, some folks can communicate their value, but aren’t committed to the right action to obtain those clients.
And of course, all the clear communication and action in the world isn’t going to support a business that provides little value.
Is there a lack of clear communication or a lack of getting into right action keeping you and your business from reaching the level of financial success you want?
Are you investing as much time in your communication as the value you offer? Have you clarified your plan of right action? Is it inspired? Is it divinely guided?
What I’ve found is once you’ve got a plan that clearly communicates the value your clients experience as a result of working with you, they are willing to pay you a higher fee. And they have a higher level of commitment on taking inspired action. They’re more committed to getting the outcome and you’ll see even better results with them!
Okay, now that you’re clear about the ultimate vision of your business, the value you bring to the table and the fees you deserve which are based not on your time but on the results, outcome and transformation your clients experience; and on what it would cost that person not to get the results or outcome based on their work with you, Now you’re in a position to create a powerful offer. And remember your offer is not based on the amount of time traded for dollars or the number of Home Study Program materials or the length of your event is…it’s about the BENEFITS, THE RESULTS AND THE TRANSFORMATION they experience – the VALUE they get. It’s based on the results and the outcome of working with you!
I teach you exactly how to do this in my upcoming Spirit-Enriched Breakthrough Session Secrets and I would love to help you get clear on the value you offer and how to communicate that value in a way that has your clients eager to work with you pay you what you’re worth!
It’s time for you to understand exactly how to merge all of who you are into your heart-centered business. That includes your:
- Spiritual connection
- Passions
- Personality
- Skills
- Gifts
- Expertise
- Unique characteristics
That way, you are able to create a compelling offer – not based on what you do or the services you provide – but on the VALUE your clients derive – in other words it is not based on your INPUT, but based on their OUTCOME.
For example, here are the results of some of my clients:
- One tripled her income and cut her workweek down to 3-4 days a week
- Another broke through the 6-figure income barrier and is working less in the process
- Another increased his business by 200%, and
- Another began attracting 30 new clients a month.
So as a result, I’m not paid for the amount of time I’m on the phone with my clients, but on the results they get as a result of working with me. And it’s the same for you as well.
Once you’re clear about the value you’re offering – and remember, your offer is about the results or the outcome your clients experience – not the service you provide… then you want to look at how to clearly communicate that value.
I’ll be sharing more on how to do that in my next article…
In the meantime, if you want to make this a reality in your own business, come join me for my upcoming Spirit-Enriched Breakthrough Session Secrets program.
You can join for as little as $167 a month and I’m offering some outrageous special bonuses at the moment…because I want you to get your value and how to communicate that value to your ideal clients so that you do get to do what you love, make a greater impact and enjoying phenomenal money as a result.
Are you ready? If so, check out all the juicy details of my upcoming program, listen to the replay on the page, and if you have any questions, just reply to this email and we’ll be sure to get back to you, because I’m here to take a stand for your success if you are!
Be on the lookout for my next article in the series soon. All of them are giving you just a taste of what’s available to you in my Spirit-Enriched Breakthrough Session Secrets program starting in early June.
Note: My Spirit-Enriched Breakthrough Session Secrets starts in early June. I still have spaces left…join us now. Special offers are comin’ down soon!
Got questions? Shoot me an email or post your comments and questions in the comments section below.