If you’re not experiencing success and you’re struggling in your business or in life, your mindset is running you! You have to release the ego’s mindset and come from the abundant mindset of your Soul.

What is included in your mindset? Not what IS your mindset but what things help you recognize a mindset?

Attitudes – how you think or feel about something

Beliefs – ideas you deem to be true

Filters – limiting beliefs, thoughts or perspectives

Opinions – views about something

Paradigms – a model or pattern

Perspective – personal viewpoint

Preconceptions – preconceived notions, prejudices

That’s what mindset is conceptually. Now take your right hand and cover your face. Let’s do this little exercise so you get this experientially:

If your hand represents your mindset it includes past experiences, beliefs, and your opinions about your value and worth.

Like a fish unaware of the water it lives in, our mindsets are how we perceive life.

We are no longer looking at our mindsets; we’re looking through out mindsets. In which case we don’t hold opinions, what we say is true; what we see isn’t a viewpoint, we see it as the way it is.

The mindset you hold about your lack of value and worth is holding you back!

So now, let’s list your thoughts (or beliefs) you hold around the topic of Money. And then list your thoughts (or beliefs on the topic of Marketing while you’re at it, for good measure.

It might be things like:

It’s so hard to make money

You can’t be spiritual and be wealthy.

I’m no good at business

I can’t charge a lot for what I offer and get it

People are reluctant to pay me what I’m worth

Sales and marketing are sleazy and manipulative

What if I put myself out there and get rejected

Then next to each thought you’ve listed, identify the emotional charge it brings up in you. It could be anger, resignation, fear, frustration, despair, sadness, etc.

Now think about the decisions you’ve made (resulting in the actions you’ve taken) in the past as a result of these thoughts and feelings. Were these decisions made from inspiration or disconnection/fear? When you are making decisions and taking actions from fear, you are not acting on your Truth or potential. You’re not listening to your true Guidance and until you choose to listen and to shift your mindset you’re going to continue getting the same results you’ve been getting in your business and your life.

How do you know what’s your Truth and what isn’t? By the way it feels to you!

Your Inner Guidance will always let you know when you are focused on your truth or not based on how you feel. And as you look at your list, if what you are reading doesn’t feel good to you emotionally, congratulations! It simply means these limiting thoughts and beliefs are not your truth.

So now let’s go back to the limiting thoughts and beliefs you’ve listed and let’s play a simple, but powerful game of What If UP. We’re usually playing the DOWN game…(negative thoughts and beliefs) much like this list we just built. So let’s begin to turn that around right now. The What-IF UP Game goes like this: For every limiting thought and belief you think, you want to ask yourself, What if.. the opposite of that is true?

Eva Gregory is a master coach, speaker, author and founder of Leading Edge Coaching & Training, where she helps spiritual entrepreneurs integrate Inner Guidance with proven practical business strategies for growing a list of loyal followers who become raving fans, so that they quickly and consistently attract more of their ideal clients, without compromising their Spirit and values. Join her <a href=”https://www.facebook.com/groups/successfulspiritualentrepreneur/”>Successful Spiritual Entrepreneur Facebook community here </a>where you’ll receive plenty of tools, resources and trainings on how to grow a successful enlightened business that lights up your Soul!