Get Your 10 Days Of List-Building Madness and Explode Your Email List In 100 Different Ways!
Transform Your Life With The Power Of Your Inner Guidance
Your Inner Guidance expresses the honest feelings of your true self and is the source of your inspiration, creativity, and intuition. By listening to your Inner Guidance, you can gain insight into what makes you happy and unhappy. You can also gain the power to...
The Successful Spiritual Entrepreneur: Enhance Your Mindset To Increase Your Revenue
While the first step to become a spiritual entrepreneur is having a business idea you are passionate about, the true foundation of entrepreneurial success rests within your mindset. A good idea can take you only so far. However, true determination to stop at nothing...
Are You Running Your Mindset Or Is Your Mindset Running You?
If you're not experiencing success and you're struggling in your business or in life, your mindset is running you! You have to release the ego's mindset and come from the abundant mindset of your Soul. What is included in your mindset? Not what IS your mindset but...
5 Positive Ways To Express Your Gratitude
Expressing gratitude can be difficult for some people. Often times, gratitude is mixed in with other feelings like jealousy, envy, embarrassment, or insecurity. Why? Because it can be humbling to admit that we need help from others. It is important to realize that...
How To Attract Money Into Your Life
There has been an explosion of discussion regarding the Law of Attraction over the past few years. If you're not familiar with the concept, it's actually quite simple. Whatever you put your emotion, energy, and focus on, you’ll get more of in your life, whether...
What Aristotle Taught Me About Happiness
Aristotle had more to say about happiness than any other philosopher before him. While he called it by a different name, eudaimonia, much of what he said is still relevant today. See how a quick look at Aristotle’s thinking can help you lead a fuller and more...
The Successful Road To Spiritual Well-Being
Have you made several, unsuccessful efforts to achieve spiritual well-being? You can probably relate to how difficult it can be to achieve. Spiritual well-being takes effort and introspection. There’s indeed a road you can take that leads to spiritual well-being. The...
Use Gratitude To Create A Bounty Of Positive Change In Your Life
Consistent gratitude is one of the most powerful tools that you can use to propel yourself into a brighter tomorrow. Gratitude isn’t a magical shortcut, though. It doesn’t necessarily create any changes outside of yourself. What it can do, however, is open you up to...
Give Yourself The Gift of Forgiveness
When someone has wronged you, forgiveness may be the last thing on your mind. You’re convinced they deserve all the anger and hostility you can muster. However, forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself. Does your anger harm the other person? In most cases, the other...
What Really Matters – Identify Your Life Lessons
Life is a fascinating journey that provides many twists, turns, and surprises. You can’t always predict which way your life will go. Sometimes, you might want to sit back and survey what’s important to you and what you’ve learned so far. Reflecting on what you know to...
5 Reasons To Live In The Now and Take Each Day As It Comes
It's easy to get caught up in planning your future. Planning for a secure and happy future is an important undertaking, but too much attention to a time that is yet to come can greatly inhibit your ability to focus on the here and now. Right now, at this very moment,...
6 Attitude Adjustments That Can Change Your Life Tomorrow
Do you feel like your life could be happier? A better tomorrow could start with something as simple as your attitude. Our perspectives have a huge effect on our overall level of happiness. They can affect our success as well. Over time, attitudes become habitual....
Synchronicity – Are You Where You Are Supposed To Be?
The door opens. The path is lit. A missing piece falls into your lap. The phone rings and the caller is someone you thought of just moments ago. The ever-famous “magic” parking spot opens up. I love it when I seem to just bump into someone I really want or need to...
Thanksgiving – The Gift In Itself
Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of year. Why? Because it is the magical time of year when tradition encourages us to spend time putting life in perspective. This is typically done by reflecting on the things, people, and experiences that give us feelings of gratitude...
Thanksgiving Every Day – How Gratitude Attracts More Blessings
Why wait until Thanksgiving to express your gratitude? You have the luxury of living your joyous life every single day of the year. So make it a point to recognize your blessings and remind yourself that showing gratitude for all you already have only does more to...
Realizing Your Dreams
Everyone has dreams. Some are much larger and more complex than others, but they all have value. The dreams that you have are there for a reason: to be realized as a part of fulfilling your life purpose. Many people give up on their dreams because they don't see them...
Four Ways To Come To Terms With Your True Self
There are likely times when you’re unhappy with who you are, what you’ve attained in life, or which path you’re taking. That’s because you’re human. Those sentiments affect all of us from time to time. Sure, there will be days when your best doesn’t seem good enough...
Intuition or Ego…Which Is Guiding You?
It’s not always easy to tell if our choices are coming from the right place. However, if you follow your intuition, your life is likely to be enjoyable and meaningful. Follow your ego and you might be successful in many ways, but you’re likely to find yourself...