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5 Steps To Develop A Wealth Mindset
There are many ways to improve your money mindset. Doing so will ensure that your financial situation is forever improving and developing a wealth mindset will ensure that you build your wealth. To help maintain your new wealth mindset, each week, re-examine your...
9 Steps To Realizing Your Full Potential
Many folks will look back on this past year and wonder what they could have accomplished if they’d only been more decisive and committed. As you look back, what did you let pass you by? It’s never too late to begin again. Rather than looking back and feeling regret...
Spirituality And Business DO Mix!
I get so frustrated when I hear people say that spirituality and business are mutually exclusive - that they don't mix. I hear it in one form or another quite often. And I couldn't disagree more! Not only are spirituality and business not mutually exclusive, your...
The Critical Missing Piece…
All the amazing coaches, healers, holistic practitioners and spiritual entrepreneurs I know are passionate about making a positive impact in the world. But there is something that’s kept many of them from getting themselves out there in the way they’ve intended. Heck,...
Finding Your True Self
Your True Self is the part of you that is constant. It transcends your body, emotions, and experiences. It is the essence of you. How would you describe yourself? You might declare that you are Susan, wife of Bob, a Reiki master, and have Scottish ancestry. However,...
Nothing Succeeds Like Success
Nothing succeeds like success... However, true success comes from confidence. And confidence, in turn, comes from success. They each revolve around the other in the ultimate symbiotic relationship. However, this is not a “what came first, the chicken or the egg?” kind...
3 Monsters You Must Slay to Experience Success
You've got to stop HOPING you'll succeed! I'm serious! When you think of hope vs commitment – which is stronger? Do your desires for your business or life come from commitment or hope? Which of these statements feel more powerful? A) “I hope I’ll succeed.” B) “I am...
The Truth About Success
Success is not an END RESULT. Success is not a GOAL. Success is a PROCESS. It’s not about winning the race. It is about training for, and running, this race, and every race, in the best possible manner. It’s about enjoying everything leading up to the race, as well as...
The Spiritual Path To Prosperity
As I'm talking with folks coming into my program, The Spiritual Path To Prosperity, it's become clear that there is still a belief running rampant that your prosperity or lack thereof is due to circumstances outside yourself. I'd like to put that limiting belief to...
Focus, Focus, Focus!
As I work with my clients to really stay focused on what’s important to ramp up their businesses, it's no surprise that I get pushback from them at times. Life gets in the way. We’re busier than ever these days. And ironically we think technology streamlines things...
4 Simple Steps To Dramatically Improve Your Life
Success breeds success. And no matter what successes you've experienced in your life, there is always another mountain beckoning you to climb. If you’re looking for more achievement, you can improve your life dramatically with a few simple changes. Although these...
The Power Of Taking Chances
One of the best ways to make positive changes to your life is to take more risks. Life is more exciting and rewarding when you’re willing to put yourself out there and take a few chances. Plus, successful people take more risks than unsuccessful people. With a little...
Create A Compelling Outcome Through A Compelling Vision
When you don’t have a vision for the future that excites and inspires you, it’s very challenging to keep putting in the time and effort necessary to accomplish a big goal. Without a compelling future, each step forward can feel like torture. You can create a highway...
How To Put The Power Of Intuition To Work For You
Intuition is the reason that you know more than you think you know. Once you recognize how much of your mental activity takes place subconsciously, you can make better use of the knowledge and abilities you already possess. T hese are strategies for finding a healthy...
Your Preconceived Notions About Success Could Be Incorrect
Sometimes it isn’t about what you don’t know. Often, it’s more about being mistaken about the things you’re certain are true. Misconceptions create challenges. What if your preconceived notions about success are incorrect? How might your beliefs about your likelihood...
How Being Delusional Can Help You. What?!?
To be clear, I'm speaking specifically about positive delusions! You could look at a positive delusion as merely being a very positive attitude. And you might think that's just being inaccurate and lying to yourself. And you might be right. But the science is clear on...
Top 10 Profound Life Changes You Can Experience By Meditating
Though meditation has been around for thousands of years, it’s only now that meditation is becoming mainstream. Even the conservative medical community is singing the praises of meditation. Meditation is a simple and free tool that can enhance your life in many ways....
Top 10 Misconceptions About Success
Success is the result of good habits and effective actions. Anything can be accomplished with enough time and focus. Yet many believe there are other requirements to be successful, and that these requirements can’t be met by the average person. Learn to avoid such...