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Top 10 Things To Tell Yourself To Boost Your Confidence
There will likely come a time when you feel confused, unsure, and lacking in self-confidence. It could happen at work, at home with family, or even when you’re with friends or neighbors. Luckily, you can send yourself some messages that will put you back on track. Say...
Top 10 Self-Confidence Building Tips
A lack of confidence can affect every area of your life, from your job performance to your personal relationships. In reality, how you perceive yourself has a powerful impact on how others treat you. Some factors in bolstering self-confidence may be beyond your...
Top 6 Excuses That Limit Your Success
Everyone needs to feel a sense of self-worth and healthy self-esteem in order to live a successful, contented life. While some people look to others and their material success to gauge their own self-worth, the most important assessment is how you feel about yourself....
Using Prayer And Meditation To Calm Anxiety
If you feel anxious from time to time, that's completely normal. When anxiety becomes overwhelming, you may be tempted to seek solace in prescription medication, alcohol, or drugs. These methods, though, inherently bring problems of their own. The good news is you can...
Top Five Success Traits In the Super Successful And How You Can Develop These Traits Too
Even though wildly successful people all share certain traits, they're not super-human traits. You can identify and develop these traits if you truly want to succeed. Yes, with hard work and determination, you can become one of the super successful! In your journey to...
Top Five Computer Tips To Get More Done In Less Time
Do you wish you could be more productive at your computer? There's good news! There are some things you can do that will allow you to get more done in less time. You may be surprised at how simple these strategies are, how little some of them have to do with your...
What You Can Learn From The Difficult People In Your Life
Unless you’re living under a rock, you deal with at least a few people that know how to push your buttons. However, you can learn a lot from difficult people. Challenging situations present opportunities for learning and growth. Are you making optimal use of the...
Top 10 Prosperity Quotes And Affirmations
Success is something we all look for whether it is a successful career, relationship, family, or life. You may see your success in the form of a rewarding career, a loving family, or a cottage home in the country. We all have our own dreams and ideals, but what are...
Top 10 Inspirational Movies
Inspirational movies have the power to stir you into action in a mere 90 minutes. A seemingly simple movie may even have the power to change your life! We created a list of the top 10 inspirational movies to get you fired up and motivated: It's a Wonderful Life...
Top 10 Life Secrets You Didn’t Learn in School
South African or African American woman teacher or student holding world earth globe in the palm of her had on black background High school is good preparation for college. And college can be a good preparation for finding a job. Yet neither is very good at preparing...
Top 9 Invigorating Tricks For Having More Energy Every Day
Your busy lifestyle can make finding more energy a challenge. However, these invigorating tricks will boost your energy and help keep you going. Try these tips to maintain the energy you need for your hectic life: Create a regular exercise schedule and stick to it....
Top 10 Habits To Eliminate If You Want To Be Happy
Many of our habits make happiness elusive. You’d be surprised how much joy you can feel when you eliminate these habits. Changing your habits isn’t easy, but it can be done if you’re committed. Be willing to challenge the status quo if you want to see a real change in...
Top 10 Habits That Enhance Your Mood And Your Success
Your daily rituals ultimately determine the quality of your life. Happy and successful people do different things each day than the average person. And they do those things consistently. This is great news! A few small changes can transform your life, but patience is...
Top 5 Excuses For Not Going After Your Dreams
Why do some people seem to get what they want out of life while others do not? There are several common reasons why your life isn’t everything you want it to be. If you understand these common mistakes, you can increase the likelihood of getting what you want. You...
Tips For Overcoming Adversity
By now you must’ve heard of The Secret, a book by Rhonda Bryne that talks about the Law of Attraction and how to use The Secret in your life. But have you read the book or seen the movie and tried to incorporate the tips into your life but failed? If so, it’s okay!...
Three Conflict Resolution Strategies You Need To Know
Conflict happens when two opposing parties have different views, interests, or goals, which seem incompatible with one another. Conflict usually occurs at the height of a stressful situation when everything seems to bubble over. Typically, it's not just related to the...
Thinking Your Way to Success
Do you often envision yourself achieving great things, and then follow this up with a negative thought process? Do you talk yourself out of your dreams before you even begin to pursue them? If so, you need to change the way you think. When you change your thought...
Thinking Positive To Create Financial Gain
Just about everyone has heard that the Law of Attraction can be used to bring you what you want. If you think about being rich, you will be. Is it true? That depends on how you look at the actual statement. What is true, though,...