by Eva Gregory | Abundance and Prosperity, America's Divine Guidance Coach, Law of Attraction Coaching, Spiritual Entrepreneur Series, Success
In my last post, I explained Steps 1 through 3 of my 5-Step Attraction In Action system for nurturing your relationship with your Divine Market over time until they are ready for a more personal, spiritually-aligned conversation with you about how you can help them....
by Eva Gregory | Abundance and Prosperity, America's Divine Guidance Coach, Happiness, Law of Attraction Coaching, Spiritual Entrepreneur Series
As a Spiritual Entrepreneur, there are several spiritually-aligned ways you can reach your Divine Market. And as you continue to nurture your relationship with all of those in your Divine Market, you also want to make sure you are in conversation with the folks who...
by Eva Gregory | Abundance and Prosperity, America's Divine Guidance Coach, Law of Attraction Coaching, Law of Attraction Series, Money
What is the one thing that everyone needs, everyone wants and a very minute percentage of the population has enough of? Yep, it’s money! But lack of wealth does not need to be your reality. Money is just one of the many things that can be obtained by learning and...