by Eva Gregory | America's Divine Guidance Coach, Champion Mindset, Law of Attraction Coaching
People love a compliment. However, does the axiom, “Flattery will get you everywhere” feel right on you? By that I mean, doesn’t it seem shallow? Well, it is because a flattering statement is often delivered without an element of sincerity. In fact, often the...
by Eva Gregory | America's Divine Guidance Coach, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
When you think of spring cleaning, you may have an image in your mind of family members gathering around with mops in their hands. That’s because spring is a good time to make your home and workspaces sparkling clean and clutter free. However, there’s...
by Eva Gregory | America's Divine Guidance Coach, Confidence, Law of Attraction Series, Life Success Series, Meditation
Many might find it shocking that meditation can be used to boost confidence. The truth is that meditation can be used to strengthen any emotion or skill. When you meditate, you bring a great amount of awareness into your mind. In the moment of meditation you hold the...
by Eva Gregory | America's Divine Guidance Coach, Champion Mindset, Law of Attraction Series
Do you recall the feeling you had the last time you made a significant donation of time or money? If you hadn’t wanted that feeling more than you wanted the money or time, then you wouldn’t have done it. We take action based upon what we want and that is why having a...
by Eva Gregory | America's Divine Guidance Coach, Confidence, Empowerment, Greatness, Happiness, Inspirational, Videos
When we think about courage, it’s usually stories of heroism that come to mind. But for millions of women around the world, courage comes in a very different way. It’s a quiet voice that gives them the strength to go for another day. Take 3 minutes and be...
by Eva Gregory | America's Divine Guidance Coach, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
Every day, almost everywhere we look we’re bombarded with someone else’s idea of perfection. We’re told, “You need this,” “You should wear this” and “You need to be this way or that way,” but no one tells us that...