by Eva Gregory | Champion Mindset, Law of Attraction Coaching
In my last post I shared the first 8 of 16 techniques Tony Robbins uses to get out of a slump. Here are the last 8 tips. 9. Realize that there’s an ebb and flow. Everything in life is a cycle with ups and downs. Re-read your goal, say it aloud – heck, shout it out and...
by Eva Gregory | Champion Mindset, Law of Attraction Coaching
Even the most ambitious and motivated leaders can find themselves in a slump. Slumps are dangerous obstacles and you can’t let yourself simmer in a slump. Motivational speaker, author and all around example of someone with a Champion Mindset, Tony Robbins, offers 16...
by Eva Gregory | Champion Mindset, Law of Attraction Coaching
Whether you are building a business or working at a job, never forget that your role exists for a reason. Finding the meaning in what you do is the key to staying motivated. Once you understand how your role helps others, then it becomes easier to take satisfaction...
by Eva Gregory | Champion Mindset, Law of Attraction Coaching
When people have little interest in a position or role, it’s very difficult to motivate them. This is one of the challenges using freelance services. Freelancers may not be motivated by learning opportunities, greater responsibility, or challenging projects....
by Eva Gregory | Champion Mindset, Law of Attraction Coaching
Motivation can’t occur without ambition. Ambition is linked to your vision. If you haven’t defined that, then your ambition level is weak and you won’t have motivation to pursue the vision. This quote from Napoleon Hill pretty well sums up the notion of ambition....
by Eva Gregory | Champion Mindset, Law of Attraction Coaching
Do you have a team member who shows promise of being a strong leader? Mentoring others is a great way to put your own knowledge and skills to the test. In fact, it’s your experience using your knowledge and developing skills that make you the best person to mentor new...