by Eva Gregory | Champion Mindset, Law of Attraction Coaching
What does the Geek Squad and Vanderbilt University Medical Center know about building relationships? They realize that the key to building a sustainable business, even if the organization is a renowned medical university, is to become the top-of-mind choice for IT...
by Eva Gregory | Champion Mindset, Law of Attraction Coaching
Sometimes providing a helping hand can do more harm than good. Have you helped someone who continues to return for more assistance when what they really need to do is to extend their own capabilities or experience? That’s a situation where continuing to provide help...
by Eva Gregory | Champion Mindset, Law of Attraction Coaching
One of the fastest ways to expand your reputation as a leader is by helping others. Even if your role is not as an “official” manager, you can position yourself as a leader within your organization by helping your team be successful. It can be tough to take on a new...
by Eva Gregory | Champion Mindset, Law of Attraction Coaching
You weren’t born with an attitude. You learn an attitude from the company you keep. Your parents may have imprinted a poor attitude on you. They never meant harm and were reacting to their own circumstances, making their own choices in positioning their attitude. They...
by Eva Gregory | Champion Mindset, Law of Attraction Coaching
In biblical times, people didn’t use stone tablets to draft contracts or business deals. Business agreements were sealed with verbal promises. Today, an oral agreement is also binding by law, but if there is no witness to attest to the agreement it’s hard to prove in...
by Eva Gregory | Champion Mindset, Law of Attraction Coaching
Our subconscious thoughts account for our success. Affirmations can help overrule subconscious negativity. Here are some tips for using affirmations. • Commit to setting time aside for repeating affirmations. You only need 5-10 minutes • Choose affirmations that are...