by Eva Gregory | America's Divine Guidance Coach, Champion Mindset, Law of Attraction Coaching
Responses motivated by anger always end up being responses we regret. Instead of providing an immediate retort to someone else’s communication, people with a Champion Mindset will let things simmer a bit. If you find yourself in a face-to-face exchange where the other...
by Eva Gregory | America's Divine Guidance Coach, Champion Mindset, Law of Attraction Coaching
As a leader you have extraordinary competencies in various aspects of your life. However, don’t fall into the pattern of feeling you must excel at everything. Having a competitive spirit is part of the Champion Mindset and so is realizing when it’s time to let someone...
by Eva Gregory | America's Divine Guidance Coach, Champion Mindset, Law of Attraction Coaching
Are you sitting on a product fearful of releasing it to the public? Why? If it’s good then quality isn’t an issue. Usually there is some unknown holding you back. You don’t have to get hung up on delivering a spectacular product launch. You can even find people who...
by Eva Gregory | America's Divine Guidance Coach, Champion Mindset, Law of Attraction Coaching
The notion of being fearless suggests that one does it on their own. To live fearlessly also doesn’t mean living without fear. Instead it means that you find a way to put a straightjacket on your fear, walk with fear in front of you, but now you are pushing it...
by Eva Gregory | America's Divine Guidance Coach, Champion Mindset, Law of Attraction Coaching
In Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1933 Presidential Inaugural Address he coined the phrase which will forever resonate in the heart of a champion. To quote: “…the only thing we have to fear is fear itself…” In 1933 the depression was at its worst. Instead of taking an...
by Eva Gregory | America's Divine Guidance Coach, Champion Mindset, Law of Attraction Coaching
Have you felt these conditions lately? • Increased heart rate • Clenched jaws • Heightened senses • Sweaty palms If so, you probably also exhibited these biological transformations: • Increase in blood pressure • Dilated pupils These are the biological transformations...