by Eva Gregory | Confidence, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
Do you struggle with doubts that hold you back from reaching your dreams? Are you timid in situations that may present roadblocks to your success? Instead of settling for a mediocre life, learn a few simple strategies that will help you to feel confident in every...
by Eva Gregory | Confidence, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
There will likely come a time when you feel confused, unsure, and lacking in self-confidence. It could happen at work, at home with family, or even when you’re with friends or neighbors. Luckily, you can send yourself some messages that will put you back on track. Say...
by Eva Gregory | Confidence, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
Reading self-improvement articles and books can be a good investment in yourself. However, unless you make a real effort to apply the strategies to your life, little is likely to change. There’s a big difference between knowing how to do a pushup and doing 100 pushups...
by Eva Gregory | Confidence, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
Our insecurities often stem from a fear of failure. This could be a good thing if you’re weighing the risk versus reward of doing something that puts you in danger. But more often than not, insecurities just hold you back from having what you want in life....
by Eva Gregory | Confidence, Empowerment, Grateful, Happiness, Inspirational, Success, Videos
They will… Shape our thoughts… Which will shape our character… And in the end, they will… Determine our destiny. What are they? Watch this thought-provoking, 3 minute movie to find out....
by Eva Gregory | Confidence, Dreams and Goals, Grateful, Inspirational, Videos
Here is what I know to be true… If you are willing to start working on yourself, never give up on the pursuit of your dreams and make the most of the moments you’ve been given…You WILL accomplish extraordinary things in a very short amount of time....