by Eva Gregory | America's Divine Guidance Coach, Confidence, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
How many times have you said to yourself, “Why did I do that? Why don’t I have more control over myself?” It seems to happen whenever we do something to give ourselves short-term pleasure at the expense of long-term pain. Overeating, spending money that should never...
by Eva Gregory | America's Divine Guidance Coach, Confidence, Greatness, Happiness, Health, Law of Attraction Coaching, Success, Videos
Here’s something that’ll stop and make you think: Did you know that your stress is really your choice? That’s a liberating concept because if stress is a choice, you can choose not to have it. This video (based on the book by David Zerfoss) will show...
by Eva Gregory | America's Divine Guidance Coach, Confidence, Greatness, Happiness, Health, Inspirational, Law of Attraction Coaching, Videos
Many of us hurry through life going from one place to the next, focused on conquering the next mountain, making the next deal, running the next errand, and believing we will never have enough time to do all the things we need to get done, yet, there is all the time in...
by Eva Gregory | America's Divine Guidance Coach, Confidence, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
When you’ve been through some difficult challenges in life, you may feel like your confidence has vanished. Are you unsure how to go about believing in yourself again? If so, then this information will be of great help to you. Follow these tips to shift your...
by Eva Gregory | America's Divine Guidance Coach, Confidence, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
No matter who you are, you’ll eventually experience struggles with reaching an agreement with someone. Disagreements in your personal life or inability to reach consensus at work will occur occasionally. How do you perform when it comes to negotiating a solution to a...
by Eva Gregory | America's Divine Guidance Coach, Confidence, Dreams and Goals, Greatness, Happiness, Inspirational, Law of Attraction Coaching, Videos
What is the #1 key to finding joy, happiness and purpose in your life? It may surprise you, but this little 2-minute movie shares that wonderful secret! Watch this movie. And, if you forward it to a friend or co-worker, it will put a smile in their heart!...