by Eva Gregory | Confidence, Dreams and Goals, Empowerment, Greatness, Happiness, Inner Guidance, Inspirational, Self Esteem, Success, Videos
It is estimated that 14 million people in the U.S. sell for a living. And it’s safe to say that their success will largely depend on one thing…their Attitude. Watch this great little movie…...
by Eva Gregory | Dreams and Goals, Empowerment, Giving, Happiness, Inspirational, Videos
“Every day thousands of unsung heroes bring CARING and COMPASSION to the lives of millions. Their names are never featured in the headlines, but our world would be a much darker place with out them.” – Charles Devlin. I hope you enjoy this 3 minute...
by Eva Gregory | Empowerment, Giving, Grateful, Happiness, Inspirational, Videos
Every time I listen to this young man sing this song…I’m blown away by the range of emotions that race through me. His voice combined with the powerful words carry me away and everything just feels right. I’m sharing it with you today because I think...
by Eva Gregory | Confidence, Empowerment, Giving, Grateful, Happiness, Inner Peace, Inspirational, Videos
I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but I couldn’t agree more; Life is merely a series of choices. Where you are right now can all be linked back to every choice that you’ve made in your life to date. Every day we all make countless choices and...
by Eva Gregory | Confidence, Empowerment, Giving, Happiness, Inspirational, Videos
It almost sounds too simple to feel important, but one word… gratitude, can change your attitude, and thus your life, forever. Sarah Breathnach said it best … “When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance...
by Eva Gregory | America's Divine Guidance Coach, Confidence, Empowerment, Greatness, Happiness, Inspirational, Videos
When we think about courage, it’s usually stories of heroism that come to mind. But for millions of women around the world, courage comes in a very different way. It’s a quiet voice that gives them the strength to go for another day. Take 3 minutes and be...