by Eva Gregory | Happiness, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
If you’re a fan of Charles Dickens, you know that great expectations can lead to house fires and being pursued by escaped convicts. The consequences are usually more subtle in real life, but managing your expectations can make you happier and more successful. In fact,...
by Eva Gregory | Happiness, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
So, how do you define success? There are as many ways to talk about success as there are people who meet and exceed their goals. In other words, the definition of success that you end up with will begin with the person you ask. Every person you ask will likely give...
by Eva Gregory | Happiness, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
What have you done today? What did you achieve yesterday? Do you take on a can-do spirit when you’re challenged? Or are you huddled up in your comfy chair deeply immersed in a movie or playing a game on your electronic device to avoid the challenge? How you make your...
by Eva Gregory | Happiness, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
Nobody consciously chooses to be unhappy, but you can cause yourself a lot of misery by engaging in negative mental habits. The outcomes we experience in life are often the result of our habits. Eliminating counterproductive habits from your life is the first step to...
by Eva Gregory | Happiness, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
Have you ever met someone that didn’t want more happiness? The pursuit of happiness seems to be an ongoing quest for most people. Luckily, finding happiness might be much easier than you think! Many times, simple solutions can be effective. Consider these strategies...
by Eva Gregory | Empowerment, Grateful, Greatness, Happiness, Inspirational, Videos
Labor Day… A time to celebrate the value of work, the reward or rest and the honor it brings. [fsmovie]custcode=Guidance&movie=LaborDay[/fsmovie] Copyright © 2010 – 2014 flickspire. At the end of this video you’ll see simple instructions on how you can...