by Eva Gregory | Inner Guidance, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
We each have our own Inner Guidance…that voice that has the right answer but is sometimes overlooked. Inner Guidance is always with us, but often muted. Later when you realize that the voice, intuition, or instinct should have been heeded, it’s too late to correct...
by Eva Gregory | Inner Guidance, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
Spirituality and poverty don’t have to go hand-in-hand. In fact, it’s possible that the prospect of wealth building is an important part of your spiritual journey. For some entrepreneurs, making money and growing one’s wealth can mean that the person is in tune with...
by Eva Gregory | Inner Guidance, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
Sounds totally counter-intuitive, right?! How can structure lead to freedom? Doesn’t it lead to putting us in a box? Or keeping us playing small? The opposite of structure is freedom. Without structure shouldn’t we be able to do anything we want, however we want,...
by Eva Gregory | Inner Guidance, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
Have you ever noticed the voice inside your head that seems to be directing you to do–or not do–something? This voice is known to say all sorts of things. “YES, this is it!”, “No, this isn’t the one for us to pursue”, or even “I think we ought to think...
by Eva Gregory | Inner Guidance, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
Each person is inherently entitled to choose their own spiritual belief system and how they prefer to honor and practice these beliefs. These practices and beliefs are individual and highly personal in nature. While nobody has the right or ability to force you to...
by Eva Gregory | Inner Guidance, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
Have you ever noticed that being passionate about something fills you with an energy that seems to be non-stop? Spiritual entrepreneur and talk show host, Oprah Winfrey, once said, “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites...