by Eva Gregory | Inner Guidance, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
Talk seems to be plentiful about “getting real” and “keeping it real” these days. But what exactly does that mean? One of the definitions of the word real is “being or occurring in fact or actuality; not imaginary or ideal.” So...
by Eva Gregory | Inner Guidance, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
Are you aware there are broadcasts occurring all around you, each moment of the day, just waiting for you to tune in and listen to them? Consider that everything you want or need to know about any topic that interests you is already available to you through the higher...
by Eva Gregory | Inner Guidance, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
You’ve probably heard it before: when you’re depressed, or you need an extra boost of energy to start projects and follow through, it’s important to VISUALIZE success. Here’s a small surprise: visualization is a tool that originated thousands...
by Eva Gregory | Inner Guidance, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
Are you capable of letting things go easily, like water rolling off of a duck’s back? Can you put things in the past and let them remain there? Are you predominantly temper-free? If so you’re in the minority. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying...
by Eva Gregory | Inner Guidance, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
Feeling stuck or frustrated with life often precedes the decision to make a personal transformation. Making a meaningful change is both exciting and distressing. Our brains are wired to make change uncomfortable and more challenging than it needs to be. Focusing on...
by Eva Gregory | Inner Guidance, Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series
According to the Law of Attraction, we’re always transmitting positive or negative energy. Others pick up on this and respond likewise. When you attract like-minded positive people, together you can focus on obtaining your desires. Positive people will encourage and...