by Eva Gregory | Law of Attraction Coaching, Law of Attraction Series, Life Success Series
Ok…so you have seen The Secret. Now, it’s time to get rockin’ with the Law of Attraction. So many times people get all jazzed up when they learn about the Law of Attraction – but implementing it gets tricky and that “jazz” fizzles...
by Eva Gregory | Law of Attraction Coaching, Law of Attraction Series, Life Success Series
Love everything that happens to you. It is one of the secrets to working the law of attraction. Love every minute of the day and make it a real part of your life. Get used to this new way of feeling and it will lift you to the next dimension, the place where you...
by Eva Gregory | Law of Attraction Coaching, Law of Attraction Series, Life Success Series, Money
In the law of attraction, like attracts like. You get what you asked for based on the clarity of your thoughts. This applies also to what is inside your wallet or purse. You need to be careful with the kind of money that you carry. If you carry dimes in your wallet,...
by Eva Gregory | Law of Attraction Coaching, Law of Attraction Series, Life Success Series, Money
In order to fully master the law of attraction one must become aware of how the mind works in relation to our physical reality. The mind is the power station for all our experiences. The mind can be compared to the hard drive of a computer. It stores all the...
by Eva Gregory | Law of Attraction Coaching, Law of Attraction Series, Life Success Series
Much has been said about the law of attraction and The Secret, but we are missing the very practice that makes this law works harnessing the power of electro-magnetism. The law of attraction is all about magnetic energy. We transmit thought energy which is magnetic....
by Eva Gregory | Law of Attraction Coaching, Law of Attraction Series, Life Success Series
Recently, and even still, there has been a lot in the news about The Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction simply states that “Like attracts like”. In other words, if your believe is that life is hard and that you cannot make it no matter how hard you...