by Eva Gregory | America's Divine Guidance Coach, Confidence, Dreams and Goals, Greatness, Happiness, Inspirational, Law of Attraction Coaching, Self Esteem, Videos
I’m writing you today because you are a leader in a position to make a huge difference within your circle of influence. I’d like to thank you in advance for a few moments of your time to introduce you to a true story that’s been portrayed in an...
by Eva Gregory | America's Divine Guidance Coach, Confidence, Empowerment, Greatness, Happiness, Inspirational, Law of Attraction Coaching, Self Esteem, Success, Videos
At 211 degrees water is hot. At 212 degrees, it boils. And with boiling water, comes steam. And steam can power a locomotive. The one extra degree makes the difference. This simple analogy reflects the ultimate definition of excellence....
by Eva Gregory | America's Divine Guidance Coach, Confidence, Dreams and Goals, Empowerment, Greatness, Happiness, Health, Inner Guidance, Inspirational, Law of Attraction Coaching, Self Esteem, Videos
If I had to guess, I would bet you are facing your fair share of challenges and obstacles in your life … I know I am. When things go wrong, and they sometimes will … how will you choose to respond? That is what this short movie is all about. Be inspired by...
by Eva Gregory | America's Divine Guidance Coach, Confidence, Empowerment, Greatness, Happiness, Health, Inspirational, Law of Attraction Coaching, Self Esteem, Success, Videos
Throughout history there have been incredible women who have led us, inspired us and encouraged us to do the right thing. The women in this short movie all have one thing in common; rather than taking the road well traveled … they decided to blaze their own...
by Eva Gregory | America's Divine Guidance Coach, Empowerment, Greatness, Happiness, Inspirational, Law of Attraction Coaching, Self Esteem, Videos
Attitudes truly are contagious! Is yours worth catching? Take a 3 minute break to learn how to stay positive because our attitude not only impacts our own happiness but impacts the happiness and success of all the people around us…family, friends, and peers at...
by Eva Gregory | America's Divine Guidance Coach, Dreams and Goals, Empowerment, Greatness, Happiness, Inspirational, Law of Attraction Coaching, Self Esteem, Videos
Do you love beautiful music, breath-taking sunsets and inspirational quotes? If so, then you will LOVE this movie!! [fsmovie]custcode=Guidance&movie=MotivationalQuotes[/fsmovie] Copyright © 2010 – 2013 flickspire. At the end of this video you’ll see simple...