by Eva Gregory | Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series, Uncategorized
When it comes to getting the most done possible in a given day, it’s often important to think carefully about the sequence in which you line up your jobs. Doing the right task first and the right task last can potentially save you hours – especially if they rely...
by Eva Gregory | Uncategorized
Whether it’s running a marathon, working towards your dream or trying to make a marriage work, there are some situations we can find ourselves in where we want to keep going but really struggle to maintain motivation. We have to give every last drop of...
by Eva Gregory | Uncategorized, Videos
I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but I couldn’t agree more; Life is merely a series of choices. Where you are right now can all be linked back to every choice that you’ve made in your life to date. Every day we all make countless choices and...
by Eva Gregory | Uncategorized
Many of our habits make happiness elusive. You’d be surprised how much joy you can feel when you eliminate these habits. Changing your habits isn’t easy, but it can be done if you’re committed. Be willing to challenge the status quo if you want to see a real change in...
by Eva Gregory | Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series, Uncategorized
Accepting yourself and your situation in life can be a difficult task. Do you tend to be more accepting of others’ mistakes than your own? If so, you’re being too hard on yourself! Those people aren’t better than you! You were created with a unique...
by Eva Gregory | Life Success Series, Uncategorized
Becoming successful is much more about your beliefs than it is about your current skills and talents. Recognizing the mental blocks that limit your success might be the most important step you can take on your journey to a successful life. Mental blocks are insidious....