by Eva Gregory | Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series, Uncategorized
The best way to really commit to following a path of excellence is by having a good mindset. Once this is in place it will be much easier to focus on actually committing to excellence. Can you truthfully say that you strive to do your best every day? If you run an...
by Eva Gregory | Uncategorized
Leading a team can be perceived as hard work! There are so many variables that can make the role as team leader challenging. It’s easy to get discouraged when you see that your team isn’t displaying the skills and strengths you thought they had. You’ll probably even...
by Eva Gregory | Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series, Uncategorized
Are you relying on luck and random acts to determine your life? Or are you making conscious decisions and steering your own ship? These are two dramatically different ways to live. The former is not effective or enjoyable. Anxiety, uncertainty, and dissatisfaction can...
by Eva Gregory | Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series, Uncategorized
Do you dread deadlines? If so, that feeling could be sending you into a state of inaction, causing you to miss your deadlines, which then increases your stress about them. It’s a vicious, self-perpetuating circle. Fortunately, there are things you can do to make it...
by Eva Gregory | Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series, Uncategorized
Success might not seem worth the stress, struggle, and disappointment. But success is quite simple, though not necessarily easy. Avoiding the mistakes that limit success is the best first step toward achieving success. Recognizing and avoiding these mistakes can...
by Eva Gregory | Law of Attraction Coaching, Life Success Series, Uncategorized
If you’re juggling responsibilities at home and work, it can be difficult to carve out time to sit down and meditate. While you’re trying to organize your days, you can still start living more meditatively right now. Take a look at these practical ideas for building...