In my last post, I explained Steps 1 through 3 of my 5-Step Attraction In Action system for nurturing your relationship with your Divine Market over time until they are ready for a more personal, spiritually-aligned conversation with you about how you can help them.
In Step 4: Selection, you identify those in your Divine Market who are interested in exploring your relationship further through a personal 1-on-1 conversation with them, where you have an opportunity to clearly communicate the value of what you have to offer in a way that feels authentic, honest and fun for you!
I’ll be going into depth about this in my upcoming webinar, Conversations That Convert.
If you’re a heart-centered coach, healer or spiritual entrepreneur who’s been struggling to find a way to successfully market and share your programs, products and services, I’d like to show you a proven system for sharing your mission and message that is fully aligned with your Spirit and your values.
Date: Monday, June 3, 2013
Time: 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern
Register here at
In Step 4 when your Ideal Client is ready to take your relationship a little further, you want to be sure to respond to these folks right away and have a private 1-on-1 heart-centered, spiritually-aligned conversation with them.
During your session with them, there is a really beautiful process you can use to help them come to a decision about working with you.
I’ll give you an overview of that here and then encourage you to join my webinar Monday, June 3 for Conversations That Convert where we go into each step of the process in more detail.
You first want to know what compelled them to take the time to be on this call with you. There is a reason they reached out to you or accepted your invitation to this call and it’s important for you to understand this in order to know if or how you can help them.
You want to know what they long for more than anything and take them to the vision of that fully.
Then you want to know when it will no longer by okay to live the way they are living now with whatever their issue or concern is that has held them back in their lives up to now.
And you uncover all that you need to know from them by simply asking questions, so that you can help them make the best possible decision for themselves.
The most important thing to remember, is you are not here to talk anyone into anything they don’t want to do. You’re not here to sell them on anything. You simply want to help them get to a decision.
Through your questioning, they will discover for themselves what’s possible for them and what it will cost them not to move forward or the cost of reverting back to business as usual. Whatever decision they make, at least now it’s being made from a space of clarity and understanding.
For those who now understand the value of what you have to offer them – the results, outcome and transformation that is available to them as a result of working with you, who understand the cost of not moving forward, then, you are ready for Step 5.
In Step 5, you propose. You offer them an opportunity to invest in themselves through you. And you do it in an honorable and respectful way that allows them to come to their own conclusions. They discover the value for themselves.
No pressure. No selling. A whole lot of love!
You’ve now created a system that will allow you to collect the largest number of leads in your Divine Market who you can now build a relationship with to create interest and desire for what you have to offer over time. Then you can filter all of the high desire/high demand folks and move the most interested to the front of your ‘line’, so you’re always communicating with the ones that are most interested in experiencing the outcome or results you provide first.
Then you bring them to a call where you help them understand the results, outcome and transformation that’s possible for them, and what it’s costing them to remain in their current situation or circumstance – simply by asking them questions.
I go into more detail about the entire process on my upcoming webinar. Be sure to register for Conversations That Convert where you’ll learn how to have heart-centered, spiritually-aligned conversations with those who are ready to work with you and eager to pay you what you are worth!
Date: Monday, June 3, 2013
Time: 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern
Register here at
By the way… please feel free to share information about my upcoming webinar on June 3 with others you think would benefit, but be sure to reserve your seat first. Register here: Conversations That Convert.
Be on the lookout for my next article in the series, coming soon.