We each have our own Inner Guidance…that voice that has the right answer but is sometimes overlooked.
Inner Guidance is always with us, but often muted.
Later when you realize that the voice, intuition, or instinct should have been heeded, it’s too late to correct your initial decision.
But you are at choice at every moment! Sounds a little hard to believe, right? Who would choose to have a marriage dissolve or a career end?
But a little investigation will often uncover a “feeling” that this person is not exactly what was desired, but maybe close enough.
Or the job paid very well, so even if some of the tasks were not in alignment with the idea of your ideal job it was worth it. So in essence, you made choices that actually bypassed your Inner Guidance and settled for a less than ideal situation.
How many times have you thought “If I had only listened to my intuition!” That was your Inner Guidance telling you which way to go and yet it was ignored.
Do you know who the largest population of Inner Guidance followers are?
That’s one of the reasons they tend to get in so much trouble with adults, because they follow their Inner Guidance without thought to consequence, feelings, or safety.
Their one goal is to do what they believe will make them happy at any given point in time, and they do!
Children do not realize that others don’t agree that the world should revolve around them, nor have they been taught that it’s their job to make and keep everyone happy (a true fallacy in today’s society).
If everyone accepted responsibility for their own happiness – a possibility when you listen to your Inner Guidance – the world would be a much happier and harmonious place.
Take my youngest grandchild, Domenic. He was sitting in nursery school completely bored. He didn’t like circle-time, but preferred free-play. He looked longingly at the LEGOS and began to squirm and fidget while Miss Karen discussed a story.
Unable to stand circle-time for one more moment Domenic began to inch himself away from the circle, closer to the toy cubbies. He finally made his way to the LEGOS and was about to dive in when Miss Karen busted him. He was called back to the circle and told to remain in place.
A few minutes later Domenic again began to look at the LEGOS, and decided that since he couldn’t leave the circle perhaps Miss Karen wouldn’t mind if he brought the LEGOS to the circle with him. That didn’t fly either.
Finally, unable to contain himself any longer, Domenic jumps up from the circle, grabs some LEGOS and placed himself in the time-out chair!
He knew what he wanted, knew that it wouldn’t be appreciated by his teacher and that he would be punished, but didn’t care one bit. He got what he wanted…happiness. He was tuned in, tapped in, turned on to his Inner Guidance and did not stray.
Adults could take lessons from children. Remember that the ultimate goal in life is JOY, and it’s your responsibility to create it for yourself.
But it cannot be done without focus, intent, and practice. Learn to quiet the conscious thinking of your mind for no more than 15 minutes each day and allow your Inner Guidance to come through.
Here’s how:
Focus on breathing, or the flicker of a candle, or use an audible like “Om.”
Once your mind is quieted, physical detachment will occur and you will be in a state of “allowing.” This is when you’re open to Inner Guidance. You may feel an involuntary movement in your body, like just before you’re falling asleep and your foot moves, or you feel as if you’re falling – this is the state where the energies are in alignment.
Determine your path for allowing your alignment energies to come through. It could be through blocks of thought, through writing, through a voice within or through some other manner.
Everyone has the ability to do it. The key is to find the time to make it happen and not censor what is coming through.
Be consistent and a mere 30 days is all that it should take to get into the swing of things. Simply learn to relax, allow and receive. Your happiness depends on it!
Eva Gregory is a Law of Attraction expert, speaker author and mentor to spiritual entrepreneurs – coaches, healers and holistic practitioners. Her passion is helping spiritual entrepreneurs go from chaos to clarity, and from clarity to cash flow by learning how to tap into their own inner guidance and merge it with proven practical business strategies to create enlightened businesses of purpose, passion and prosperity. She is author of “The Feel Good Guide to Prosperity” and “Life Lessons For Mastering the Law of Attraction” co-authored with Jack Canfield. Get your FREE REPORT, “Massive Success For Spiritual Entrepreneurs” here. Learn more about how Eva can help you at www.EvaGregory.com