Have you always wanted to contribute to a worthy cause, but weren’t sure of the best way? It’s not uncommon to have the desire to be charitable even though you lack the approach. And because of that, it just ends up not happening.
By making a few adjustments to your everyday life, you’ll develop the know-how to consistently support those in need.
Consider making these key changes in support of charity:
- Dedicate a portion
of your pay check.
Starting this week, take out a portion of your pay check and donate it to a
worthy cause. In the same way you budget for utilities, groceries, and entertainment,
you can start to do the same for charity.
- It’s hard at first
because you may not view charity as a necessity. But consider how much more
fortunate you are than others. Then, you’ll realize how important it really is.
- Decide beforehand
where to donate the money. Is there a Salvation Army nearby? What about the Red
- Make a mental note
of how this added “expense” impacts your life. Is it a major
financial strain? Or are you just forced to be a little creative with what’s
- Share your meal
Every day this week that you go out to lunch, ask them to split your meal into two
containers. Eat only one portion and give the other one to a homeless person. You
may get hungry a little more quickly, but you’ll have the pleasure of helping
- Plan your lunch
spots in advance so you’re able to quickly identify someone in need.
- Order what you
normally do. Avoid spending less because you know you won’t be consuming all of
it yourself.
- Whenever possible,
encourage your peers to also help those in need.
- Withhold something
from yourself.
Is there anything in your life you feel you can’t live without? Is it a food
item? Or is it cable TV? Identify one thing and withhold it from yourself for 2
weeks. You’ll feel withdrawal symptoms, but it’ll encourage you to better appreciate
the circumstances of others.
- Resist the urge to reinstate whatever it is and instead contribute that money to charity.
- It’s easy to take
money out of your pocket and give it away. However, the aim is to really
understand what needy people are experiencing.
- This approach
helps you to not take your blessings for granted.
- Recognize those in
As you go about your daily tasks, recognize those in need. Pay active attention
to the people you pass on the street. Listen intently to the charity ads on the
radio. Check out the astonishing statistics.
- Being in tune with
the magnitude of hardship can be life-changing. In some cases, it
can cause you to become a completely different person.
- Count the number of homeless people you see en route to work. Determine how much it would cost to feed them per day. Then, try to get sponsors and feed the homeless people in your area.
Once your level of consciousness is heightened, you’ll automatically be able to embrace your charitable side. In no time at all, you’ll realize the extent of need and develop the passion for fulfilling those needs. Expect your life to be changed instantly!
Known as the Transformation Catalyst™, Eva helps thought leaders and spiritual entrepreneurs worldwide become game changers in their field by integrating Inner Guidance with proven strategies to achieve breakthroughs in their business.
She is an avid supporter of the Milo Foundation, an alternative for homeless pets, the Unstoppable Foundation to bring sustainable education to children and communities in developing countries, and Kiva to support entrepreneurs in underserved communities around the world.
Eva is dedicated to helping you combine Inner Guidance with business strategies that are working today for building a list of loyal followers who become raving fans that convert into well-paying clients, in a way that is aligned with your Spirit and values. Join her Successful Spiritual Entrepreneur community here where you’ll receive plenty of tools, resources and training on how to grow a successful enlightened business that lights up your Soul!