Part 2 of 6: Spiritual Awakening Series

There are several ways that you can recognize whether or not you’re having feelings and desires for long-term purpose and change. Dissatisfaction is one way to pinpoint
it and it’s common in anyone who may be turning toward a spiritual awakening.

Usually the first step in this feeling is that you realize that you don’t really like the way you handle certain things. It used to be that you could do or say or act however you wanted and it never mattered to you.

But it’s no longer good enough because it doesn’t feel true to you anymore. Now, you feel dissatisfied with your actions and thoughts – and you want to become a better person because you feel the change coming from deep within.

That desire to change is a very telling point on whether you’re feeling an openness for a spiritual awakening. Anything that even looks like it’s not true to who you are and the new beliefs you’re beginning to establish makes you turn away.

You’re no longer interested or invested in denying your true self. You lose the desire to act like you’re someone or something that you’re not. Trying to one up anyone or “keep up with the Jones’s” loses all appeal and you crave a purpose that has a deeper meaning than simply striving to accumulate wealth or material possessions.

You see all of the goods and the financial wealth that you may have amassed through new eyes. Instead of seeing them as something that gives you pleasure and can help you, you wonder how you can use what you have to help others and you’re no longer interested in “stuff.”

You discover that you’re finding peace and happiness by having less rather than more. The desire for purpose and change can manifest itself when you feel that everything in you is telling you that there’s more to life than the way that you’ve been living.

You find yourself on a quest within you – a deep hunger – a search that there’s something more out there and you just can’t stop until you find it. When you have a desire for purpose and change that goes unfulfilled, you’ll experience such a deep dissatisfaction that it can begin to affect you emotionally.

You’ll feel restless – like there’s a journey that you want to go on but you don’t know which direction to take. You only know that movement is coming from within and that something has to give because you can’t go on another day the way things are.

The desire for change can lead to you taking steps and maybe you’re not even fully aware of why you’re doing them, but you want to make those changes. You feel compelled to find what your purpose is in life.

It can be something like suddenly feeling like the job or career you have now doesn’t match what you feel is a purpose you’re supposed to fulfill. You have a feeling that there’s something else that you’re supposed to be doing besides what you currently are.

It’s not a desire that you can shut off and you may even feel that are tons of reasons not to make changes – but that true inner desire keeps quietly prodding you forward.

It’s only when you surrender the resistance to what you feel your purpose is that you’ll be able to quiet that little voice urging you to make a change and to go after what your life’s purpose truly is.

While you’re experiencing the desire for purpose and change, you’ll go through a stage where you’ll feel very aware of what’s going on around you as well as what’s going on in the lives of other people around you.

Instead of focusing on how unkind a person you encounter might be, you may instead pick up on how sad they look. You’ll find that rather than getting angry, your heart feels in tune with their feelings.

You might find yourself reading a news article or seeing something on television about someone else going through a difficult situation and you suddenly burst into tears and you feel heartbroken because of what they’re dealing with.

Their hurt feels more real to you and you experience a deeper level of sympathy and the desire to help them. You feel moved to take action. Once you recognize that what you’re feeling is the desire for a purpose in life, you’ll be able to find the freedom to allow change to occur both within you and in your external world.

When you experience a spiritual awakening, it can change your life for the better. In Part 3 of this series, we’ll look at how life can be improved.

Read Part 1 here.

Eva Gregory helps spiritual entrepreneurs go from chaos to clarity and from clarity to cash flow. She is a Law of Attraction expert, and author of “The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity” and “Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction”, co-authored with Jack Canfield. Her gift is teaching spiritual entrepreneurs how to integrate Inner Guidance with proven practical business strategies to create successful enlightened businesses from a place of purpose, passion and prosperity. Get your FREE Soul-Centered Conversations That Convert template here and learn how to ramp up your revenue fast with a proven step-by-step template for converting those interested in what you offer to investing in what you offer.