Law of Attraction Coach

Whether you’re at home or on the job, you’ll find that you’ll have a tough time getting things done if you don’t have time management skills. Time management is not all that hard to master, it just takes practice, so make sure you implement some of the following tips into your daily routine.

Time Management 101

First, make sure that you use a schedule book or calendar.  Chances are good that, once you write something down, youll be much more likely to remember it without even looking at your to-do list. 

The discipline of writing in a planner can be quite rewarding.  It’ll make you more mindful of the work at hand and itll force you to organize your day effectively to accomplish what’s on your list. 

  • When you get up every morning, take the time to look over your schedule while eating breakfast or sipping your coffee.  This will help you map out your day in your head or make adjustments to your plan.  The more flexibility you have in your schedule, the better you will be able to get around unforeseen difficulties.
  • Get in the habit of confirming appointments or meetings with people to make sure that nothing has changed. If a different time is better for you, don’t be afraid to ask for a change in the time or date. If a meeting is in the middle of your day, considering shifting it. After all, you’ll lose a few minutes of productivity before and after as you re-gain your momentum.

Don’t Over Commit Yourself

Many of us start developing terrible time management habits because we want to be everywhere and help people with everything. If you’re feeling harried and hurried, then you’re not able to perform at your best. 

Take some time and think about your physical and mental health.  You’ll improve your time management skills by taking a brief break to reflect and gain perspective on what’s going on and where you need to put your focus.

  • Determine where you want to focus your activities. If you have children, decide before the school year starts how much time you have to commit to school or after-school activities.

  • At work, think about what committees or groups you can participate in without over-extending yourself. If you over-commit yourself, your quality of work will suffer.

If you’re constantly running behind, try to wear a watch with an alarm or set alarms on your cell phone.  This can make a big difference when you’re trying to get to places on time.  Just by wearing a watch can make you a whole lot more time conscious.

Implement Some Structure Into Your Day

Set a specific schedule for the morning and evening so you can accomplish routine tasks everyday. Eventually you’ll become more efficient and this will free up more time in your day for other activities.

  • In the morning, make a point of cleaning up the kitchen before going to work. Clean the coffee maker, put the dirty plates and cups in the dishwasher, and wipe down your counters prior to walking out the door. That way when you get home, you’re able to take some time to unwind without rushing around.
  • In the evening, de-clutter your living space, putting everything where it belongs. Clean up the dinner table, wipe down the counters, and do your night-time routine before climbing into bed. Integrating structure into your day will help you think clearer and feel more organized.

Time management is an important skill you need to master, so make sure it’s a top priority!

About Eva

Transformation catalyst and business mentor, Eva Gregory helps established thought leaders and spiritual entrepreneurs worldwide become game changers in their fields by integrating Inner Guidance with proven strategies that are working today to scale beyond 6 figures and achieve breakthroughs in their businesses.

She is an avid supporter of the Milo Foundation, an alternative for homeless pets, the Unstoppable Foundation to bring sustainable education to children and communities in developing countries, and Kiva to support entrepreneurs in under-served communities around the world.

Join her Successful Spiritual Entrepreneur Facebook community here where you’ll receive plenty of tools, resources and training on how to grow a successful enlightened business that lights up your Soul!

Get more from Eva here.