Mindfulness is the way into the world of introspection.

Mindfulness is a skill you can learn. However, it’s one thing to learn the skill. It’s another to make it part of your life. With practice, you’ll consistently get better until you find mindfulness as a way of life.

Here are 7 strategies to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life:

If you want to make mindfulness a habit, it’s important to practice being mindful throughout the day.

1. Begin your day with mindfulness before you even get out of bed. Notice all the physical sensations of your body. See how long you can lie still before your thoughts drift to something other than your body or your immediate surroundings.

2. Be mindful of your body. Continue to be mindful of your body throughout the remainder of the day. This is a great way to anchor your attention to the present. When you find your attention wandering, put your focus on your breath. Or notice the parts of your body that are touching the floor. Are you hot or cold?

3. Use routine activities to hone your mindfulness skills. One of the best ways to create a mindfulness habit is to be mindful during your daily tasks. This includes things like brushing your teeth, showering, driving, mowing the grass, and so on. Be especially mindful during eating. Chew your food slowly and be fully aware of how your food tastes and smells. Give your full attention to your conversations and the other people involved. Are you listening with your full awareness, or are you impatiently waiting to speak again?

4. Use music as mindfulness practice. Listening to music is another great opportunity to practice mindfulness with your sense of hearing. Try to identify each instrument in the song. See how well you can keep your focus on the music instead of allowing other thoughts to intrude.

5. Ride out cravings. When you suddenly have an urge to do or eat something you know you shouldn’t, resist that urge. Notice your thoughts and body sensations. Keep your attention on them until they fade away. It happens quicker than you think. This can be helpful when you have the urge to eat unhealthy food or text your ex.

6. Put your phone away. Your smartphone can be a huge distraction and obstacle to mindfulness. Avoid checking your email or social media accounts until a suitable time. This is another opportunity to ride out your urges, too. Do a little experiment and see how long you can go without checking your phone. See how long you can go without thinking about your phone. You might be surprised by the results.

7. Set a reminder. A timer can be an effective way of cueing you to be mindful. When the timer goes off, stop for the moment, get into present moment and immediately practice mindfulness. Simply be in the moment.

Mindfulness is a wonderful thing. It can relieve stress, increase enjoyment, increase productivity, reduce anxiety, and help you to build a more accurate view of the world. Make it a habit that you rely on throughout the day. Make mindfulness a part of your life and watch the transformation unfold.

Eva Gregory is a master coach, speaker, author and founder of Leading Edge Coaching & Training, where she helps spiritual entrepreneurs integrate Inner Guidance with proven practical business strategies for growing a list of loyal followers who become raving fans, so that they quickly and consistently attract more of their ideal clients, without compromising their Spirit and values. Join her Successful Spiritual Entrepreneur Facebook community here where you’ll receive plenty of tools, resources and trainings on how to grow a successful enlightened business that lights up your Soul!