Nothing succeeds like success…
However, true success comes from confidence. And confidence, in turn, comes from success. They each revolve around the other in the ultimate symbiotic relationship.
However, this is not a “what came first, the chicken or the egg?” kind of proposition.
Confidence definitely precedes success in the order of appearance. That’s because the quiet assurance of true confidence – as opposed to mere cockiness – serves to lay the foundation for reaching a goal.
In other words, confidence is more of an outward manifestation of an inward persona than it is a pose or an affectation. Cockiness, on the other hand, is simply on outward shield that masks an inward insecurity.
As a Spiritual Entrepreneur, you need to be confident of yourself AND your products and services.
People react positively to a confident person, especially if that confidence is real and a part of that person’s Soul.
In order to develop this type of true confidence, there are several things that you can do.
1. First, always remember that confident people are able to take a stand on an issue or a decision not because they think they are right, but because they are not afraid to be wrong. They see a difficult situation as an opportunity for growth. Finding the right solution to a problem is more important than being right. Therefore, if they are wrong they will be the first people to admit it and move on.
2. Confident people often listen far more often then they talk. They are more interested in hearing different information and opinions than they are in
broadcasting their own. They also are never afraid to admit fallibility and ask for help. They know that other people’s knowledge is their greatest strength.
3. They understand that success is a team sport. They know that any goal is achieved through the efforts of many, not the will of the few. Therefore, they share spotlight of success and shine it on others far more than they shine it on themselves.
4. They understand that nothing is as important to achieving success as passion. It may sound extreme, but in order to reach a goal you have to burn for it. It has to be something that’s on your mind all the time. It has to be all consuming.
In fact, passion is the flip side of hustle. And the two go hand in hand with each other. So, how do they work together? Well, the one requires the other. They each, in some sense, drive the other. Without one you cannot have the other. Hustling is all about the willingness to do what it takes, put in the hours and go the extra mile. Passion is the motivation and inspiration that gets all that work done. Passion generates INSPIRED action!
Face it, if you’re not on fire about a project, you’re not going to be able to motivate yourself to do what’s needed to complete that project successfully.
INSPIRED action is a critical piece of the puzzle! So, how do you obtain or maintain the passion necessary for success? Well, as a Spiritual Entrepreneur, you should already be passionate about your business and its success. If you’re not, then you need to examine why. There’s no sense and no reason to waste your time trying to be enthusiastic about something that doesn’t move you. If you are already doing something you love to do, then you’re halfway there. Let your love and passion for your work show through in that work. Your clients and competitors will notice the difference.
5. You MUST be able to accept who you are! There is absolutely no way for you to be successful and reach your goals until you accept who you are. You have to like yourself and what you do before anyone else will. The world detects how you feel about yourself and often simply shares the opinion you have about who you are. Be yourself and free yourself in the process.
You are an individual who is unique. Your talents and abilities, your intelligence and interests, your opinions and tastes, make you who you are. There is no need to hide a part of yourself or alter a part of yourself for the sake of conformity.
True success is about freedom and all truly successful people are individualists who have, more or less, accepted and glorified who they are. You must do the same.
At the same time, being yourself does not mean glorying in mediocrity. You need to be the very best version of yourself possible.
This means that you have to work at being you. You have to put the time into your own growth and expansion, your own self-improvement.
Acceptance is not an excuse for laziness, cowardice or fear.
Life is a privilege. It is a gift. The gift and the privilege of life is that you get to be yourself, the BEST SELF you can possibly be. Use that gift, and take advantage of the privilege that you’ve been given.
Let your own unique light shine forth! THIS is the light that attracts other people to you. THIS is the light that will illuminate the path to real success in life!
Don’t squander the chance.
Eva Gregory helps spiritual entrepreneurs go from chaos to clarity and from clarity to cash flow. She is a Law of Attraction expert, and author of “The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity” and “Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction”, co-authored with Jack Canfield. Her gift is teaching spiritual entrepreneurs how to integrate Inner Guidance with proven practical business strategies to create successful enlightened businesses from a place of purpose, passion and prosperity. Get your FREE Soul-Centered Conversations That Convert template here and learn how to ramp up your revenue fast with a proven step-by-step template for converting those interested in what you offer to investing in what you offer.