MindsetFirstly, thanks to those of you who joined me live for my Conversations That Convert webinar this week. If you missed it, you can register for the replay here.

And now on to our regularly scheduled article.

Do you realize if you’re thinking small, or you’re afraid to ask for what you are truly worth, you aren’t making it possible for folks to understand the value of what you are doing. You’re doing yourself a disservice and you’re doing your clients a disservice!

I’m going to give you a formula here and if you get the power of this formula, you can create an outrageously successful heart-centered business doing what you love with clients who love you. If you don’t get it, then you won’t.

To understand your value in the cells of your being, to be able to command what you deserve and get it from those who are eager to invest in themselves through you, you must shift your MINDSET.

My Enlightened Marketing and Spirit-Enriched Breakthrough Session systems that are in alignment with you spiritually, and yes these are critically important pieces of the puzzle however they are only a very small % of the greater picture of your success.

90% or more of your success comes from your Divine Guidance and your Mindset. These 2 elements together will transform your life and your business!

So let’s talk about Mindset for a moment, because it is so important!

What is mindset?

A fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person’s responses to and interpretations of situations. The established set of attitudes held by someone

As Jim Rohn said, “Your attitude determines your altitude.”

Let’s just look at this from the perspective of Law of Attraction:

You have a thought (or a belief)
That thought (or belief) creates an emotional charge (feeling) within you
How you are feeling emotionally determines the action you take (or don’t take)
Which results in a certain outcome

Thought + Emotional Charge + Action = Outcome

It is so important to get this. So for example, if your thought is “I’m afraid I won’t succeed, what if i fail?”, and the emotional charge you have as a result of that thought is one of fear, you feel scared. Then the actions you choose from a place of fear are going to reflect that fear. Because you’re afraid you won’t succeed, you procrastinate or you let opportunities pass you by even when they’re being offered to you. As a result your mission and message doesn’t get out in the world in a bigger way and those who are searching for what you have to offer can’t benefit.

So as a result of your mindset, even when you’re being guided to a bigger game in life, you play small and therefore you get small results!

So, in order to act on the Guidance you’re given, it’s extremely important for you to be sure your thoughts, emotions and actions are in alignment which puts you in a higher vibrational frequency that will attract the success you desire.

If you’re not experiencing success and you’re struggling in your business OR in life, then one or more parts of the formula are out of alignment. Your mindset is running you. You have to release the ego’s mindset and come from the abundant mindset of your Soul.

Let me know your thoughts. Share your comments with me below.

In my next article, we’ll delve a little deeper into Mindset, what it consists of and how to shift it to a more abundant, prosperous mindset!

Psst! If you you missed my webinar, Conversations That Convert, you can register to catch the replay here.