As I’m talking with folks coming into my program, The Spiritual Path To Prosperity, it’s become clear that there is still a belief running rampant that your prosperity or lack thereof is due to circumstances outside yourself.
I’d like to put that limiting belief to bed once and for all.
Regardless of what it may look like, your prosperity is NOT determined by your business, your investments, your significant other, your parents, your government, the economy or anything else!
TRUTH BOMB: YOU are the source of your abundance and prosperity!
What you experience in your outer world is determined by your consciousness – your thoughts and beliefs and feelings.
NOT from ANYTHING outside yourself.
That means:
You don’t have to be worried when things in your outer world feel like they are going to hell in a hand basket.
You have everything within you to be open to the infinite abundance that is your birthright.
You CAN experience abundance and fulfillment in your life, regardless of what your experience may have been up to now.
Having money, good health and fulfilling relationships isn’t determined by outside conditions or other people! It comes from understanding how to create from WITHIN through what I call your Spiritual Path to Prosperity.
Prosperity is manifested through higher consciousness and spiritual transformation.
Source Energy is abundant. And we are all extensions of Source Energy. So our work is to develop our Divine prosperity consciousness from within. Sure, that might take some time to master, but it is sooooo worth it!
It’s a lot like playing a musical instrument.
You start out learning a few simple notes that allow you to play simple tunes. Maybe with some mistakes.
But then as you practice and get better, the music you play becomes ever more beautiful and moving, with more nuances and facets to it.
It is the same for manifesting prosperity in your business and your life.
Every skill you acquire and practice, from connecting with your Soul to reprogramming your subconscious to aligning with what you want at the highest possible level…it allows what you create to be even more exquisite and to more fully express the Divine perfection within you.
The most important step you can take to developing a Prosperity Consciousness and experiencing abundance in your life is to deepen your connection to Source.
The Divine within you is always calling you towards a prosperous life through the still small voice of Spirit.
The Divine within you is a storehouse of infinite good and has everything you could ever need just waiting for you to connect with It.
Things like joy, love, health, clarity, wisdom, peace, vision and inspiration.
Here is how to get started on your Spiritual Path To Prosperity:
1. Close your eyes, go within and ask your Divine Self to open you up to receive all of its gifts of consciousness.
2. Trust that you always know what to ask for and that you always receive what you need.
3. From this place of connection, ask for something specific that you want.
4. Know that you never have a need without the means to fulfill it immediately available to you.
5. Know that all genuine requests are heard and responded to.
6. Be patient. Every step you’ve taken is developing a new prosperity conscious that will eventually show up as your outer reality.
7. Release any doubts and negative thinking. (For each negative thought you have, replace it with 3 positive thoughts.)
8. Consciously give thanks and appreciation for all you do have. (When you do, you become a powerful magnet for more.)
9. Focus only on what you have, not on what you do not have. (Remember that whatever you focus on increases.)
Listen to the Inner Guidance within you that is always showing you the way. Believe in yourself. You have everything you need within you to succeed. Remember YOU are your own best authority when you are tapped into Source.
Make a note of what you requested and over the next few days acknowledge and explore any new awareness, clarity and insights that come to you as a result.
Know that every single step you take to develop a prosperity consciousness builds one on the other, until you are able to create whatever you need in every moment.
Practice, practice, practice! Consistent practice over time, becomes a way of life that opens doors for prosperity to flow to you!
Eva Gregory helps spiritual entrepreneurs go from chaos to clarity and from clarity to cash flow. She is a Law of Attraction expert, and author of “The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity” and “Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction”, co-authored with Jack Canfield. Her gift is teaching spiritual entrepreneurs how to integrate Inner Guidance with proven practical business strategies to create successful enlightened businesses from a place of purpose, passion and prosperity. Get your FREE Soul-Centered Conversations That Convert template here and learn how to ramp up your revenue fast with a proven step-by-step template for converting those interested in what you offer to investing in what you offer.