Success is the result of good habits and effective actions. Anything can be accomplished with enough time and focus. Yet many believe there are other requirements to be successful, and that these requirements can’t be met by the average person. Learn to avoid such misconceptions and seize the success that can be yours!

There are many misconceptions about success:

1. True success is achieved alone. Actually, success is rarely achieved alone. Tiger Woods had his father and many coaches. It would be hard to find a billionaire that didn’t have a mentor. If you’re trying to be successful on your own, you’re dramatically slowing your progress.

2. Only a certain type of personality can be successful. You might believe that success requires a car salesman-type A-personality. However, many successful people are introverted. Any personality type can be successful.

3. Success requires luck. Many successful people did experience a lot of luck. But the key to receiving good luck is consistently putting yourself in the position to receive. If you deserve good luck, you’ll get a lot more of it. The harder you work, the more luck you’ll find. You can be lucky, too.

4. Success requires an original idea. It’s not necessary to invent the iPad or discover a cure for cancer to experience success. You can be successful owning a gravel pit, manufacturing pencils, or flipping real estate.

5. Success is determined at birth. It’s common to believe that you must be born into the right family or attend the right school if you want to be successful. But there are too many examples of successful people that never finished high school or grew up in poor families. Many of the most successful people had the fewest advantages in the beginning.

6. Successful people end up alone. It’s true that there are more unsuccessful people than successful. However, the social opportunities for successful people are mind-blowing. You can have all the social activity you desire if you’re successful.

7. Success requires a lot of hours each week. Actually, you can be incredibly successful and maintain a reasonable schedule. The key is to spend your time on the most important tasks. Most people spend too much time on activities that don’t matter.

8. The most successful people don’t make mistakes. It’s common to hear successful people state that they make more mistakes than anyone else they know. Successful people take a lot of action, make a lot of mistakes, and then make corrections. Learn from your mistakes and you’ll be successful.

9. Success is complicated. Success can often be achieved with simple actions. It’s a matter of determining what works and then working hard to repeat it.

For example, cold calling isn’t complicated. Once you can do it, it’s just a matter of making enough calls. Practicing the piano isn’t complicated, but it needs to be done intelligently and for many hours to be maximally effective.

Success is more about persistence than brilliance.

10. It’s too late. Many over the age of 40 think they’ve missed the boat. But there’s still plenty of time to be incredibly successful if you make the commitment. How hard are you willing to work?

Many of your beliefs regarding success may be false. Do you believe that only a few people are capable of being successful? The truth is that success is available to anyone with the focus and determination to be successful. Avoid these common misconceptions, make the decision to succeed, and enjoy the results!

Eva Gregory helps spiritual entrepreneurs go from chaos to clarity and from clarity to cash flow. She is a Law of Attraction expert, and author of “The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity” and “Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction”, co-authored with Jack Canfield. Her gift is teaching spiritual entrepreneurs how to integrate Inner Guidance with proven practical business strategies to create successful enlightened businesses from a place of purpose, passion and prosperity. Get your FREE Soul-Centered Conversations That Convert template here and learn how to ramp up your revenue fast with a proven step-by-step template for converting those interested in what you offer to investing in what you offer.