Dreams have enormous power. Think about the dreams that reside deep within your heart. They mean a great deal to you, or you wouldn’t hang on to them, right? Well, it may only be a very short time before they come to pass. And even if their fulfillment is a long way away, hold on to those dreams as you experience progress towards them.

When the time is right – and when you’re ready – your dreams will be realized. In the meantime, you can unleash the power that your dreams offer you. But how do you do that?

Do your dreams bring you wealth? Health? Love? Something else? Whatever means the most to you and brings you immeasurable joy will often appear in your dreams.

Your dreams might not even be for you. They might be for someone else. You can bring joy, love and light to many people by using the power of your dreams for the good of others. You can teach others to realize their dreams and unleash that power as well.

Dream a Powerful Dream

Your big picture goals can keep you going. They provide motivation and fuel for life. Many settle for less than the best life they can live, but you can decide today that you’ll accept no less than the fulfillment of your dreams.

The key is to keep putting one foot in front of the other, taking small steps in the direction of your dreams. At the same time, continually visualize what your life looks like at the finish line. As you complete each step along the way, you’ll gain more power to complete the rest of your journey.

You may have a setback or two before you see your dream completely realized. That’s normal. Roadblocks only serve to show you the strength of your desire for this dream’s fulfillment.

You can unleash the power of your dreams by:

  • Taking small steps each day toward their fulfillment
  • Using them for your own joy and for the joy and good of others
  • Turning a small dream into a large one by thinking big
  • Staying brave and courageous when challenges come
  • Spending time with people who are encouraging and helpful
  • Encouraging others to follow their dreams and realize their desires

Always Remember the Power of the Dream

Your dreams are an extension and expression of who you are. When you dream something, give it everything you’ve got and see it through until your dream is fulfilled. The only thing stopping you from achieving your most important dreams is you! Refuse to accept defeat and resolve to keep taking action to get what you want until you achieve the victory you deserve.

Dreams have power, but you must continue to feed them. Do everything you can to realize your dream by taking massive, consistent action. As you go, notice what is working and isn’t. Adjust your course continually, and nothing can stop you from experiencing the realization of the dreams that you hold in your heart.

About Eva

Eva Gregory is an award-winning transformation catalyst and business mentor helping established coaches, thought leaders, and spiritual entrepreneurs worldwide scale to six figures and beyond by integrating Inner Guidance with proven business strategies that are working today in an ever-changing market. The combination of practical, step-by-step business training and intuitive spiritual awareness is what sets her apart from others in her field.

She is an avid supporter of the Milo Foundation, an alternative for homeless pets, the Unstoppable Foundation to bring sustainable education to children and communities in developing countries, and Kiva to support entrepreneurs in under-served communities around the world.

Join her Successful Spiritual Entrepreneur Facebook community here where you’ll receive plenty of tools, resources and training on how to grow a successful enlightened business that lights up your Soul!

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