People often forget that leadership is equal parts heart and mind. You cannot be a great leader if you do not nurture your spirit.

What makes a good leader? Is it someone who sets a good example to others? Is it someone who can inspire people do things they otherwise wouldn’t want to do? Is it someone with a good handshake? All these factors are part and parcel of what makes a good leader (yes, even the handshake) but often people don’t take notice of the spiritual aspect of leadership.

Spiritual business leadership isn’t necessarily religious in nature. It just means that a leader has a strong relationship with his or her inner self. Every one of us has an inner guide that helps us through life, if only we would be open enough to listen to it.

Leaders who are in tune with themselves are more likely to make the right decisions in their business because they follow their instincts and their gut feelings. I’m sure you’ve experienced a situation wherein you weren’t sure of something because a little voice in your head gave you doubt. Did you listen to that voice or did you ignore it?

Not long ago, I was talking with a new client who told me about how she’d successfully grown her company to seven figures, after which she decided to bring a partner into the business. She did all the ‘right’ things. She did her due diligence. She hired an attorney. She drew up letters of intent. She did her background research. And she did it slowly and methodically. She did everything she was ‘supposed’ to do and took on the new business partner.

In retrospect, she said she’d had a nagging feeling in the back of her mind all along. Something didn’t feel quite right. She didn’t listen to her intuition. She didn’t take the time to tap into her inner guidance.

When she got ready to sell her business, due to underhanded actions of her business partner, her company, at one time worth seven figures and on the block to be sold, was absolutely worthless. The company’s valuation had been driven into the ground.

Practically, she had done everything ‘right’. There was nothing she could have done differently. And she lost her company.

As we worked together, she could see what the outcome would have been had she just stopped and employed the principles I teach for just TEN MINUTES.

TEN MINUTES could have meant a seven-figure success story instead of a seven-figure mistake.

As painful as that was, she learned how to tap into her intuition, her Higher Self and LISTEN. She was told to drop the lawsuit she’d filed against her ex-business partner, peacefully release her anger and focus on building her new business – which she did. She has another highly successful business today.

The workplace is where a lot of us spend most of our waking time. It’s a place that is often filled with stress, deadlines, disagreeable people and high energy. Leaders are aware of all these things but really good ones aren’t fazed by it. Why? How are they different? The reason is that they are at one with their core self, and thus are able to work around or over these distractions.

Ask yourself, what is your purpose in life? Is it to have a fancy house or to earn a million dollars? Is it having a family and a spouse? Is it building a financially successful business?

Everyone’s actual purpose in life is to find joy. Joy in everything you do. Work should be a fulfilling place that is filled with joy. I know that may not be the case for many, but good leaders are able to provide that.

Many business leaders are realizing that spirit has a place in business because without it, work becomes meaningless and drudgery. Leaders with a strong sense of spirit create a powerful trickle-down effect in the business that is reflected in the culture of their organization in a positive way based on integrity, authenticity and community.

Eva Gregory is a Law of Attraction expert, speaker author and mentor to spiritual entrepreneurs – coaches, healers and holistic practitioners. Her passion is helping spiritual entrepreneurs go from chaos to clarity, and from clarity to cash flow by learning how to tap into their own inner guidance and merge it with proven practical business strategies to create enlightened businesses of purpose, passion and prosperity. She is author of “The Feel Good Guide to Prosperity” and “Life Lessons For Mastering the Law of Attraction” co-authored with Jack Canfield. Get your FREE REPORT, “Massive Success For Spiritual Entrepreneurs” here. Learn more about how Eva can help you at