Have you ever noticed the voice inside your head that seems to be directing you to do—or not do—something? This voice is known to say all sorts of things. “YES, this is it!”, “No, this isn’t the one for us to pursue”, or even “I think we ought to think about this one some more.” Each of these is an occurrence of your voice within advising you to take action, even if that action is to take no action in the moment. But do you really listen to it, or do you scoff at the idea that you actually pay attention to your inner voice?
That voice is intuition. Your intuition is your guide, the one thing that you can truly count on that is always looking out for your best interest … if you choose to listen for it, not intercept the message, and ACT on its direction.
But it’s very easy to let your voice of intuition be clouded by other things. Fear, desire, self-doubt, and over-reasoning are all some of the many types of intuition blockers. Instead, trust that your intuition is your personal guide to the correct path for you at all times. Not just when your intuition falls in line with your thoughts on a subject. Turn off whatever limiting beliefs that may be overpowering your intuition.
Perhaps it’s your belief that intuition is just “mumbo jumbo”. It is easy to believe this because intuition is not thought of as a concrete thing. It is based on nonverbal things, feelings, unconscious thought, and instinct. This is definitely not a description for people who define things in black and white. Intuition is often looked at as gray. But it is not. Intuition is basically a synopsis of information that has been taken in through all of the senses, memory, subconscious, and reasoning. It is like a clear overview in Cliff Notes’ format.
When your intuition speaks to you do you hear it? Do you know how to identify it? Your intuition typically kicks in when you are quiet. Many people find answers to their questions in their dreams, or when meditating. Others find them “out of the blue”, when they are not looking for them. Many “feel” the right thing to do, or what the next course of action should be. There are many ways that your intuition will speak to you, and everyone’s is unique.
How does one learn to trust their intuition? Like everything else, if it is practiced it becomes second nature. Allow yourself to consciously ask for the answers to something that you are seeking and write down the results when they occur. Visualize you unlocking a door and seeing your answer tumble from within.
As you continue to practice this with consistency, you will begin to collect evidence, or proof, that your intuition can be trusted. Your confidence in your intuition will grow and it will become second nature to trust it automatically.
How do you identify your intuition? What has been your experience in following your own intuition? Let us know in the comments below.
“Eva Kathryne Gregory is a master coach, Law of Attraction expert, speaker and author. As host of her own radio shows, Eva has interviewed some of the most influential thought leaders today. She has had the honor of sharing the virtual stage as a featured speaker with many experts such as Mark Victor Hansen, Cynthia Kersey, John Assaraf, and Jack Canfield among others. Her latest book, Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction, co-authored with Jack Canfield, can be found in bookstores everywhere. Since 1999, Eva has followed inner guidance along with her Spirit-Enriched Business System™ to create a multiple 6-figure business. Her passion is teaching spiritual entrepreneurs how to tap into their own inner guidance and merge it with the practical steps to create healthy, six-figure businesses from a place of purpose, passion and prosperity. Get your FREE REPORT: “Massive Success For Spiritual Entrepreneurs” here. Learn more about how Eva can help you at www.EvaGregory.com.
Eva, for years I stopped listening to my intuition. I didn’t trust it because I was told that you couldn’t. Ha! I’ve taken classes with you for several years now and I have (and am still) learning to trust, trust, trust! I have learned to trust the voice that sometimes I hear in my head, the thought that seemingly comes as bold print in a paragraph, and most of all to trust that little blip that pops up from nowhere. Now I know and most of all FEEL that my intuition is there just for me and for my happiness, safety, and joy! And it is comforting to know that I always have it. My job is to listen.
Right on, Emily! Ya know, it really is a work in progress – that whole TRUST thing. I remember you saying after taking my Guidance On Demand program how you have finally come to realize “We are so not alone.” Isn’t THAT the truth! And it’s soooo comforting to know that and be able to rely on that and access it when we want to. I think one of the things we have to remember is that Voice of Guidance can be so subtle and our “Gremlin” can be so loud! That’s why it’s so important for us to feeeeeeeeel into our guidance through our heart space rather than up in our head space. Big hugs to you, Miss Emily!
I trust my intuition on a daily basis. I am often in the “right place at the right time.” And, on occasion, I’ve avoided some rather sticky situations by listening to that little “voice.” My intuition usually speaks to me loud and clear during a specific exercise in my pilates routine! Eva, thank you for your beautiful soul. Be well ~ Toni
Love it, Toni! 🙂
Eva…my intuition speaks to me in many ways— a ‘gut’ feeling…a flash. I am ‘feeling’ when to move into something or step away…I am noticing it more, but also notice when I don’t pay attention to it. Like when driving, I might get a ‘tug’ to turn at a light, but the thinking part of me says…no it’s up ahead… Sure enough– that tug was correct & I should have turned earlier.
My intuition is always right, always in my interest….I need to trust it more and more and my confidence will build (and let go of the voice of doubt)–thank You!!!
HA! Karen, so funny…I do that all the time…let my logical rational mind get in the way of my heart and override my guidance…bites me in the butt every time I do that, too! Guess I’m not alone eh?
Hi Eva,
I always used to feel anxious about following guidance and intuition etc because I never really understood what that meant or how to engage with it. It is only now that I have been working with you and Theos for this very short time that I have realised there is an ABUNDANCE of love and support flowing to us at ALL times. It is seriously so WONDERFUL to know this! It is just a matter of tuning in to feel it – and I really thank you for your help with that!
Thanks Rebecca! Yes yes yes – an abundance of love and support is right here for us! Sooooo comforting to know! 🙂